

Name Description
AKAbstractObject The base class of Akeeba Engine objects. Allows for error and warnings logging and propagation. Largely based on the Joomla! 1.5 JObject class. [Build-State]
AKAbstractPart The superclass of all Akeeba Kickstart parts. The "parts" are intelligent stateful classes which perform a single procedure and have preparation, running and finalization phases. The transition between phases is handled automatically by this superclass' tick() final public method, which should be the ONLY public API exposed to the rest of the Akeeba Engine. [Build-State]
AKAbstractPartObserver Descendants of this class can be used in the unarchiver's observer methods (attach, detach and notify) [Build-State]
AKAbstractPostproc File post processor engines base class [Build-State]
AKAbstractUnarchiver The base class of unarchiver classes [Build-State]
AKCoreTimer Timer class [Build-State]
AKEncryptionAES AES implementation in PHP (c) Chris Veness 2005-2011 ( I offer these formulæ & scripts for free use and adaptation as my contribution to the open-source info-sphere from which I have received so much. You are welcome to re-use these scripts [under a simple attribution license or a GPL licence, without any warranty express or implied] provided solely that you retain my copyright notice and a link to this page. [Build-State]
AKFactory The Akeeba Kickstart Factory class This class is reponssible for instanciating all Akeeba Kicsktart classes [Build-State]
AKPostprocDirect Direct file writer [Build-State]
AKPostprocFTP FTP file writer [Build-State]
AKText A simple INI-based i18n engine [Build-State]
AKUnarchiverJPA JPA archive extraction class [Build-State]
AKUnarchiverJPS JPS archive extraction class [Build-State]
AKUnarchiverZIP ZIP archive extraction class [Build-State]
AKUtilsLister A filesystem scanner which uses opendir() [Build-State]
Acl0001Test No description available [Build-State]
Acl0002Test No description available [Build-State]
Acl0003Test No description available [Build-State]
Acl0004Test No description available [Build-State]
Acl0005Test No description available [Build-State]
Acl0006Test No description available [Build-State]
AdminController Admin Controller [Build-State]
AdminControllerProfile User profile controller class. [Build-State]
AdminEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
AdminLoginPage Class for the back-end login screen [Build-State]
AdminManagerPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
AdminModelHelp Admin Component Help Model [Build-State]
AdminModelProfile User model. [Build-State]
AdminModelSysInfo Model for the display of system information. [Build-State]
AdminPage Abstract Class that is the parent class for all back-end page classes A page class is designed to encapsulate the page-specific attributes and behaviors. [Build-State]
AdminViewHelp HTML View class for the Admin component [Build-State]
AdminViewProfile View class to allow users edit their own profile. [Build-State]
AdminViewSysinfo Sysinfo View class for the Admin component [Build-State]
AdmintoolsHelperDownload Smart download helper. Automatically uses cURL or URL fopen() wrappers to fetch the package. [Build-State]
Akeeba_Services_JSON No description available [Build-State]
Akeeba_Services_JSON_Error No description available [Build-State]
AlertTest No description available [Build-State]
Article0001 No description available [Build-State]
Article0002 No description available [Build-State]
Article0003 No description available [Build-State]
Article0004 No description available [Build-State]
ArticleEditPage Page class for the back-end menu items manager screen. [Build-State]
ArticleManager0001Test This class tests the Tags: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
ArticleManager0002Test This class tests the Tags: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
ArticleManager0003Test This class tests the Article: Front End and Add/Edit Screens. [Build-State]
ArticleManagerPage Page class for the back-end component tags menu. [Build-State]
BannerEditPage Page class for the back-end menu items manager screen. [Build-State]
BannerHelper No description available [Build-State]
BannerManager0001Test This class tests the Banner: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
BannerManager0002Test This class tests the Banner: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
BannerManagerPage Page class for the back-end component banner menu. [Build-State]
BannersCategories Banners Component Category Tree [Build-State]
BannersController Banners Controller [Build-State]
BannersControllerBanner Banner controller class. [Build-State]
BannersControllerBanners Banners list controller class. [Build-State]
BannersControllerClient Client controller class. [Build-State]
BannersControllerClients Clients list controller class. [Build-State]
BannersControllerTracks Tracks list controller class. [Build-State]
BannersHelper Banners component helper. [Build-State]
BannersModelBanner Banner model for the Joomla Banners component. [Build-State]
BannersModelBanners Banners model for the Joomla Banners component. [Build-State]
BannersModelClient Client model. [Build-State]
BannersModelClients Methods supporting a list of banner records. [Build-State]
BannersModelDownload Download model. [Build-State]
BannersModelTracks Methods supporting a list of tracks. [Build-State]
BannersTableBanner Banner table [Build-State]
BannersTableClient Client table [Build-State]
BannersViewBanner View to edit a banner. [Build-State]
BannersViewBanners View class for a list of banners. [Build-State]
BannersViewClient View to edit a client. [Build-State]
BannersViewClients View class for a list of clients. [Build-State]
BannersViewDownload View class for download a list of tracks. [Build-State]
BannersViewTracks View class for a list of tracks. [Build-State]
BaseController Concrete class extending JControllerBase. [Build-State]
BaseModel Concrete class extending JModelBase. [Build-State]
BaseView Concrete class extending JViewBase. [Build-State]
BogusLoad Some class. [Build-State]
Cache0001Test No description available [Build-State]
CacheController Cache Controller [Build-State]
CacheHelper Cache component helper. [Build-State]
CacheModelCache Cache Model [Build-State]
CacheViewCache HTML View class for the Cache component [Build-State]
CacheViewPurge HTML View class for the Cache component [Build-State]
CategoriesController Categories view class for the Category package. [Build-State]
CategoriesControllerCategories The Categories List Controller [Build-State]
CategoriesControllerCategory The Category Controller [Build-State]
CategoriesHelper Categories helper. [Build-State]
CategoriesModelCategories Categories Component Categories Model [Build-State]
CategoriesModelCategory Categories Component Category Model [Build-State]
CategoriesTableCategory Category table [Build-State]
CategoriesViewCategories Categories view class for the Category package. [Build-State]
CategoriesViewCategory HTML View class for the Categories component [Build-State]
CategoryEditPage Page class for the back-end menu items manager screen. [Build-State]
CategoryHelperAssociation Category Component Association Helper [Build-State]
CategoryManager0001Test This class tests the Contact: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
CategoryManager0002Test This class tests the Category: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
CategoryManager0003Test This class tests the Category: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
CategoryManager0004Test This class tests the Category: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
CategoryManagerPage Page class for the back-end component tags menu. [Build-State]
CheckinController Checkin Controller [Build-State]
CheckinModelCheckin Checkin Model [Build-State]
CheckinViewCheckin HTML View class for the Checkin component [Build-State]
ConfigController Config Component Controller [Build-State]
ConfigControllerApplication Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerApplicationCancel Cancel Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerApplicationDisplay Base Display Controller [Build-State]
ConfigControllerApplicationRefreshhelp Refresh Help Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerApplicationRemoveroot Remove Root Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerApplicationSave Save Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerCancel Cancel Controller [Build-State]
ConfigControllerCanceladmin Cancel Controller for Admin [Build-State]
ConfigControllerCmsbase Base Display Controller [Build-State]
ConfigControllerComponent Note: this view is intended only to be opened in a popup [Build-State]
ConfigControllerComponentCancel Cancel Controller for global configuration components [Build-State]
ConfigControllerComponentDisplay Base Display Controller [Build-State]
ConfigControllerComponentSave Save Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerConfigDisplay Display Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerConfigSave Save Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerDisplay Base Display Controller [Build-State]
ConfigControllerHelper Helper class for controllers [Build-State]
ConfigControllerTemplatesDisplay Display Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigControllerTemplatesSave Save Controller for global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigFrontEnd0001Test No description available [Build-State]
ConfigFrontEnd0002Test No description available [Build-State]
ConfigHelperConfig Components helper for com_config [Build-State]
ConfigModelApplication Model for the global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigModelCms Prototype admin model. [Build-State]
ConfigModelComponent Model for component configuration [Build-State]
ConfigModelConfig Model for the global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigModelForm Prototype form model. [Build-State]
ConfigModelTemplates Template style model. [Build-State]
ConfigViewApplicationHtml View for the global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigViewApplicationJson View for the component configuration [Build-State]
ConfigViewCmsHtml Prototype admin view. [Build-State]
ConfigViewCmsJson Prototype admin view. [Build-State]
ConfigViewComponentHtml View for the component configuration [Build-State]
ConfigViewConfigHtml View for the global configuration [Build-State]
ConfigViewTemplatesHtml View to edit a template style. [Build-State]
ContactCategories Contact Component Category Tree [Build-State]
ContactController Contact Component Controller [Build-State]
ContactControllerContact No description available [Build-State]
ContactControllerContacts Articles list controller class. [Build-State]
ContactEditPage Page class for the back-end menu items manager screen. [Build-State]
ContactHelper Contact component helper. [Build-State]
ContactHelperAssociation Contact Component Association Helper [Build-State]
ContactHelperRoute Contact Component Route Helper [Build-State]
ContactManager0001Test This class tests the Contact: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
ContactManager0002Test This class tests the Contact: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
ContactManagerPage Page class for the back-end component contact menu. [Build-State]
ContactModelCategories This models supports retrieving lists of contact categories. [Build-State]
ContactModelCategory No description available [Build-State]
ContactModelContact No description available [Build-State]
ContactModelContacts Methods supporting a list of contact records. [Build-State]
ContactModelFeatured No description available [Build-State]
ContactTableContact No description available [Build-State]
ContactViewCategories Content categories view. [Build-State]
ContactViewCategory HTML View class for the Contacts component [Build-State]
ContactViewContact HTML Contact View class for the Contact component [Build-State]
ContactViewContacts View class for a list of contacts. [Build-State]
ContactViewFeatured Frontpage View class [Build-State]
ContentCategories Content Component Category Tree [Build-State]
ContentController Content Component Controller [Build-State]
ContentControllerArticle No description available [Build-State]
ContentControllerArticles Articles list controller class. [Build-State]
ContentControllerFeatured No description available [Build-State]
ContentHelper Content component helper. [Build-State]
ContentHelperAssociation Content Component Association Helper [Build-State]
ContentHelperQuery Content Component Query Helper [Build-State]
ContentHelperRoute Content Component Route Helper [Build-State]
ContentModelArchive Content Component Archive Model [Build-State]
ContentModelArticle Content Component Article Model [Build-State]
ContentModelArticles This models supports retrieving lists of articles. [Build-State]
ContentModelCategories This models supports retrieving lists of article categories. [Build-State]
ContentModelCategory This models supports retrieving a category, the articles associated with the category, sibling, child and parent categories. [Build-State]
ContentModelFeature Feature model. [Build-State]
ContentModelFeatured Frontpage Component Model [Build-State]
ContentModelForm Content Component Article Model [Build-State]
ContentTableFeatured No description available [Build-State]
ContentViewArchive HTML View class for the Content component [Build-State]
ContentViewArticle Mockup ContentViewArticle class [Build-State]
ContentViewArticles View class for a list of articles. [Build-State]
ContentViewCategories Content categories view. [Build-State]
ContentViewCategory HTML View class for the Content component [Build-State]
ContentViewFeatured Frontpage View class [Build-State]
ContentViewForm HTML Article View class for the Content component [Build-State]
ContentViewHtml Mockup ContentViewHtml class [Build-State]
ContenthistoryController Contenthistory Controller [Build-State]
ContenthistoryControllerHistory Contenthistory list controller class. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryControllerPreview Contenthistory list controller class. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryHelper Categories helper. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryModelCompare Methods supporting a list of contenthistory records. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryModelHistory Methods supporting a list of contenthistory records. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryModelPreview Methods supporting a list of contenthistory records. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryViewCompare View class for a list of contenthistory. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryViewHistory View class for a list of contenthistory. [Build-State]
ContenthistoryViewPreview View class for a list of contenthistory. [Build-State]
ControlPanel0001 No description available [Build-State]
ControlPanel0001Test No description available [Build-State]
ControlPanel0002 No description available [Build-State]
ControlPanel0003 No description available [Build-State]
ControlPanel0004 No description available [Build-State]
ControlPanel0005 No description available [Build-State]
ControlPanelPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
CpanelController Cpanel Controller [Build-State]
CpanelViewCpanel HTML View class for the Cpanel component [Build-State]
DatabaseModel Concrete class extending JModelDatabase. [Build-State]
DateTime No description available [Build-State]
DeletefilesCli A command line cron job to attempt to remove files that should have been deleted at update. [Build-State]
DoInstall No description available [Build-State]
En_GBLocalise en-GB localise class [Build-State]
ExampleViewSEOHtml Mockup ExampleViewSEOHtml class [Build-State]
Exception No description available [Build-State]
FOFAutoloaderComponent An autoloader for FOF-powered components. It allows the autoloading of various classes related to the operation of a component, from Controllers and Models to Helpers and Fields. If a class doesn't exist, it will be created on the fly. [Build-State]
FOFAutoloaderFof The main class autoloader for FOF itself [Build-State]
FOFConfigDomainDispatcher Configuration parser for the dispatcher-specific settings [Build-State]
FOFConfigDomainTables Configuration parser for the tables-specific settings [Build-State]
FOFConfigDomainViews Configuration parser for the view-specific settings [Build-State]
FOFConfigProvider Reads and parses the fof.xml file in the back-end of a FOF-powered component, provisioning the data to the rest of the FOF framework [Build-State]
FOFController FrameworkOnFramework controller class. FOF is based on the thin controller paradigm, where the controller is mainly used to set up the model state and spawn the view. [Build-State]
FOFDispatcher FrameworkOnFramework dispatcher class [Build-State]
FOFEncryptAes A simple implementation of AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 encryption using the high performance mcrypt library. [Build-State]
FOFEncryptBase32 FOFEncryptBase32 [Build-State]
FOFEncryptTotp This class provides an RFC6238-compliant Time-based One Time Passwords, compatible with Google Authenticator (with PassCodeLength = 6 and TimePeriod = 30). [Build-State]
FOFForm FOFForm is an extension to JForm which support not only edit views but also browse (record list) and read (single record display) views based on XML forms. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldAccesslevel Form Field class for FOF Joomla! access levels [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldActions Form Field class for FOF Supports a generic list of options. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldButton Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a button input. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldCachehandler Form Field class for FOF Joomla! cache handlers [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldCalendar Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a calendar / date field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldCaptcha Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a captcha field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldCheckbox Form Field class for the FOF framework A single checkbox [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldComponents Form Field class for FOF Components installed on the site [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldEditor Form Field class for the FOF framework An editarea field for content creation and formatted HTML display [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldEmail Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a one line text field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldGroupedlist Form Field class for FOF Supports a generic list of options. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldHidden Form Field class for the FOF framework A hidden field [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldImage Form Field class for the FOF framework Media selection field. This is an alias of the "media" field type. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldImagelist Form Field class for the FOF framework Media selection field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldInteger Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a one line text field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldLanguage Form Field class for FOF Available site languages [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldList Form Field class for FOF Supports a generic list of options. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldMedia Form Field class for the FOF framework Media selection field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldModel Form Field class for FOF Generic list from a model's results [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldOrdering Form Field class for FOF Renders the row ordering interface checkbox in browse views [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldPassword Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a one line text field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldPlugins Form Field class for FOF Plugins installed on the site [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldPublished Form Field class for FOF Supports a generic list of options. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldRadio Form Field class for FOF Radio selection list [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldRules Form Field class for FOF Joomla! ACL Rules [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldSelectrow Form Field class for FOF Renders the checkbox in browse views which allows you to select rows [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldSessionhandler Form Field class for FOF Joomla! session handlers [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldSpacer Form Field class for the FOF framework Spacer used between form elements [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldSql Form Field class for FOF Radio selection listGeneric list from an SQL statement [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldTag Form Field class for FOF Tag Fields [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldTel Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a URL text field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldText Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a one line text field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldTextarea Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a text area [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldTimezone Form Field class for FOF Supports a generic list of options. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldTitle Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a title field with an optional slug display below it. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldUrl Form Field class for the FOF framework Supports a URL text field. [Build-State]
FOFFormFieldUser Form Field class for the FOF framework A user selection box / display field [Build-State]
FOFFormHeader An interface for FOFFormHeader fields, used to define the filters and the elements of the header row in repeatable (browse) views [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderAccesslevel Access level field header [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderField Generic field header, without any filters [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderFielddate Generic field header, with text input (search) filter [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderFieldsearchable Generic field header, with text input (search) filter [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderFieldselectable Generic field header, with drop down filters [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderFieldsql Generic field header, with drop down filters based on a SQL query [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderFiltersearchable Generic filter, text box entry with optional buttons [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderFilterselectable Generic filter, drop-down based on fixed options [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderFiltersql Generic filter, drop-down based on SQL query [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderLanguage Language field header [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderModel Form Field class for FOF Generic list from a model's results [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderOrdering Ordering field header [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderPublished Field header for Published (enabled) columns [Build-State]
FOFFormHeaderRowselect Row selection checkbox [Build-State]
FOFFormHelper FOFForm's helper class. [Build-State]
FOFHalDocument Implementation of the Hypertext Application Language document in PHP. It can be used to provide hypermedia in a web service context. [Build-State]
FOFHalLink Implementation of the Hypertext Application Language link in PHP. [Build-State]
FOFHalLinks Implementation of the Hypertext Application Language links in PHP. This is actually a collection of links. [Build-State]
FOFHalRenderJson Implements the HAL over JSON renderer [Build-State]
FOFInflector FOFInflector to pluralize and singularize English nouns. [Build-State]
FOFInput FrameworkOnFramework input handling class. Extends upon the JInput class. [Build-State]
FOFLayoutFile Base class for rendering a display layout loaded from from a layout file [Build-State]
FOFLayoutHelper Helper to render a FOFLayout object, storing a base path [Build-State]
FOFLess This class is taken near verbatim (changes marked with **FOF** comment markers) from: [Build-State]
FOFLessFormatterClassic This class is taken verbatim from: [Build-State]
FOFLessFormatterCompressed This class is taken verbatim from: [Build-State]
FOFLessFormatterJoomla This class is taken verbatim from: [Build-State]
FOFLessFormatterLessjs This class is taken verbatim from: [Build-State]
FOFLessParser This class is taken verbatim from: [Build-State]
FOFModel FrameworkOnFramework Model class. The Model is the worhorse. It performs all of the business logic based on its state and then returns the raw (processed) data to the caller, or modifies its own state. It's important to note that the model doesn't get data directly from the request (this is the Controller's business) and that it doesn't output anything (that the View's business). [Build-State]
FOFModelBehavior FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class. It defines the events which are called by a Model. [Build-State]
FOFModelBehaviorAccess FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class to filter front-end access to items based on the viewing access levels. [Build-State]
FOFModelBehaviorEnabled FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class to filter front-end access to items that are enabled. [Build-State]
FOFModelBehaviorFilters FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class [Build-State]
FOFModelBehaviorLanguage FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class to filter front-end access to items based on the language. [Build-State]
FOFModelBehaviorPrivate FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class to filter front-end access to items craeted by the currently logged in user only. [Build-State]
FOFModelDispatcherBehavior FrameworkOnFramework model behavior dispatcher class [Build-State]
FOFModelField FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class [Build-State]
FOFModelFieldBoolean FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class [Build-State]
FOFModelFieldDate FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class [Build-State]
FOFModelFieldNumber FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class [Build-State]
FOFModelFieldText FrameworkOnFramework model behavior class [Build-State]
FOFPlatform Part of the FOF Platform Abstraction Layer. It implements everything that depends on the platform FOF is running under, e.g. the Joomla! CMS front-end, the Joomla! CMS back-end, a CLI Joomla! Platform app, a bespoke Joomla! Platform / Framework web application and so on. [Build-State]
FOFPlatformJoomla Part of the FOF Platform Abstraction Layer. [Build-State]
FOFQueryAbstract FrameworkOnFramework query base class; for compatibility purposes [Build-State]
FOFRenderAbstract Abstract view renderer class. The renderer is what turns XML view templates into actual HTML code, renders the submenu links and potentially wraps the HTML output in a div with a component-specific ID. [Build-State]
FOFRenderJoomla Default Joomla! 1.5, 1.7, 2.5 view renderer class [Build-State]
FOFRenderJoomla3 Joomla! 3 view renderer class [Build-State]
FOFRenderStrapper Akeeba Strapper view renderer class. [Build-State]
FOFStringUtils Helper class with utilitarian functions concerning strings [Build-State]
FOFTable FrameworkOnFramework Table class. The Table is one part controller, one part model and one part data adapter. It's supposed to handle operations for single records. [Build-State]
FOFTableBehavior FrameworkOnFramework table behavior class. It defines the events which are called by a Table. [Build-State]
FOFTableBehaviorAssets FrameworkOnFramework table behavior class for assets [Build-State]
FOFTableBehaviorTags FrameworkOnFramework table behavior class for tags [Build-State]
FOFTableDispatcherBehavior FrameworkOnFramework table behavior dispatcher class [Build-State]
FOFTemplateUtils A utility class to load view templates, media files and modules. [Build-State]
FOFToolbar The Toolbar class renders the back-end component title area and the back- and front-end toolbars. [Build-State]
FOFView FrameworkOnFramework View class. The View is the MVC component which gets the raw data from a Model and renders it in a way that makes sense. The usual rendering is HTML, but you can also output JSON, CSV, XML, or even media (images, videos, ...) and documents (Word, PDF, Excel...). [Build-State]
FOFViewCsv FrameworkOnFramework CSV View class. Automatically renders the data in CSV format. [Build-State]
FOFViewForm FrameworkOnFramework Form class. It preferrably renders an XML view template instead of a traditional PHP-based view template. [Build-State]
FOFViewHtml FrameworkOnFramework HTML output class. Together with PHP-based view tempalates it will render your data into an HTML representation. [Build-State]
FOFViewJson FrameworkOnFramework JSON View class. Renders the data as a JSON object or array. It can optionally output HAL links as well. [Build-State]
FOFViewRaw FrameworkOnFramework raw output class. It works like an HTML view, but the output is bare HTML. [Build-State]
Featured0001Test No description available [Build-State]
Featured0002Test No description available [Build-State]
FilterTestObject FilterTestObject [Build-State]
FinderCli A command line cron job to run the Finder indexer. [Build-State]
FinderController Finder Component Controller. [Build-State]
FinderControllerFilter Indexer controller class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderControllerFilters Filters controller class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderControllerIndex Index controller class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderControllerIndexer Indexer controller class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderControllerMaps Maps controller class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderControllerSuggestions Suggestions JSON controller for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderHelper Helper class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderHelperLanguage Finder language helper class. [Build-State]
FinderHelperRoute Finder route helper class. [Build-State]
FinderIndexer Main indexer class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerAdapter Prototype adapter class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerAdapterTest Test class for FinderIndexerAdapter. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerDriverMysql Indexer class supporting MySQL(i) for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerDriverMysqlTest Test class for FinderIndexerDriverMysql. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerDriverPostgresql Indexer class supporting PostgreSQL for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerDriverPostgresqlTest Test class for FinderIndexerDriverPostgresql. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerDriverSqlsrv Indexer class supporting SQL Server for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerHelper Helper class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerHelperTest Test class for FinderIndexerHelper. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerParser Parser base class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerParserHtml HTML Parser class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerParserHtmlTest Test class for FinderIndexerParserHtml. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerParserRtf RTF Parser class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerParserRtfTest Test class for FinderIndexerParserRtf. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerParserTest Test class for FinderIndexerParser. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerParserTxt Text Parser class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerQuery Query class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerQueryTest Test class for FinderIndexerQuery. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerResponse Finder Indexer JSON Response Class [Build-State]
FinderIndexerResult Result class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerResultTest Test class for FinderIndexerResult. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmer Stemmer base class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmerFr French stemmer class for Smart Search indexer. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmerFrTest Test class for FinderIndexerStemmerFr. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmerPorter_En Porter English stemmer class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmerPorter_EnTest Test class for FinderIndexerStemmerPorter_En. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmerSnowball Snowball stemmer class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmerSnowballTest Test class for FinderIndexerStemmerSnowball. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerStemmerTest Test class for FinderIndexerStemmer. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerTaxonomy Stemmer base class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerTaxonomyTest Test class for FinderIndexerTaxonomy. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerTest Test class for FinderIndexer. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerToken Token class for the Finder indexer package. [Build-State]
FinderIndexerTokenTest Test class for FinderIndexerToken. [Build-State]
FinderModelFilter Filter model class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderModelFilters Filters model class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderModelIndex Index model class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderModelIndexer Indexer model class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderModelMaps Maps model for the Finder package. [Build-State]
FinderModelSearch Search model class for the Finder package. [Build-State]
FinderModelStatistics Statistics model class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderModelSuggestions Suggestions model class for the Finder package. [Build-State]
FinderTableFilter Filter table class for the Finder package. [Build-State]
FinderTableLink Link table class for the Finder package. [Build-State]
FinderTableMap Map table class for the Finder package. [Build-State]
FinderViewFilter Filter view class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderViewFilters Filters view class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderViewIndex Index view class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderViewIndexer Indexer view class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderViewMaps Groups view class for Finder. [Build-State]
FinderViewSearch Search HTML view class for the Finder package. [Build-State]
FinderViewStatistics Statistics view class for Finder. [Build-State]
FirstTest No description available [Build-State]
FooFormFieldBar Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
FooFormFieldModal_Bar Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
GarbageCron Cron job to trash expired cache data [Build-State]
GenerateCss This script will recompile the CSS files for templates using Less to build their stylesheets. [Build-State]
GenericAdminPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
GlobalConfiguration0001Test No description available [Build-State]
GlobalConfigurationPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
Group0001Test No description available [Build-State]
Group0002Test No description available [Build-State]
Group0003Test No description available [Build-State]
GroupEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
GroupManager0001Test This class tests the Manager: Add / Edit Screen [Build-State]
GroupManagerPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
HtmlView Concrete class extending JViewHtml. [Build-State]
InstallTest No description available [Build-State]
InstallationApplicationWeb Joomla! Installation Application class [Build-State]
InstallationControllerDatabase Controller class to initialise the database for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerDefault Default controller class for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerDetectftproot Controller class to detect the site's FTP root for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerFtp Controller class to set the FTP data for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerInstallConfig Controller class to write the config file for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerInstallDatabase Controller class to initialise the database for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerInstallDatabase_backup Controller class to backup the old database for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerInstallDatabase_remove Controller class to remove the old database for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerInstallEmail Controller class to e-mail the configuration info for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerInstallLanguages Controller class to install additional languages for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerInstallSample Controller class to install the sample data for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerPreinstall Controller class to refresh the preinstall view for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerRemovefolder Controller class to set the FTP data for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerSetdefaultlanguage Controller class to set the default application languages for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerSetlanguage Controller class to set the language for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerSite Controller class to set the site data for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerSummary Controller class to prepare installation for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationControllerVerifyftpsettings Controller class to verify the FTP settings for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationHelperDatabase Joomla Installation Database Helper Class. [Build-State]
InstallationModelConfiguration Configuration setup model for the Joomla Core Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationModelDatabase Database configuration model for the Joomla Core Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationModelFtp FTP configuration model for the Joomla Core Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationModelLanguages Language Installer model for the Joomla Core Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationModelSetup Setup model for the Joomla Core Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
InstallationResponseJson JSON Response class for the Joomla Installer. [Build-State]
InstallationViewCompleteHtml The Installation Complete View [Build-State]
InstallationViewDefault Generic Installation View [Build-State]
InstallationViewDefaultlanguageHtml The Installation Default Language View [Build-State]
InstallationViewInstallHtml The Installation Install View [Build-State]
InstallationViewLanguagesHtml The Installation Languages View [Build-State]
InstallationViewPreinstallHtml The HTML Joomla Core Pre-Install View [Build-State]
InstallationViewRemoveHtml The HTML Joomla Core Install Remove View [Build-State]
InstallationViewSummaryHtml The Installation Summary View [Build-State]
InstallerController Installer Controller [Build-State]
InstallerControllerDatabase Installer Database Controller [Build-State]
InstallerControllerDiscover Discover Installation Controller [Build-State]
InstallerControllerInstall No description available [Build-State]
InstallerControllerLanguages Languages Installer Controller [Build-State]
InstallerControllerManage Installer Manage Controller [Build-State]
InstallerControllerUpdate Installer Update Controller [Build-State]
InstallerHelper Installer helper. [Build-State]
InstallerHtmlManage No description available [Build-State]
InstallerModel Extension Manager Abstract Extension Model [Build-State]
InstallerModelDatabase Installer Manage Model [Build-State]
InstallerModelDiscover Installer Discover Model [Build-State]
InstallerModelInstall Extension Manager Install Model [Build-State]
InstallerModelLanguages Languages Installer Model [Build-State]
InstallerModelManage Installer Manage Model [Build-State]
InstallerModelUpdate Installer Update Model [Build-State]
InstallerModelWarnings Extension Manager Templates Model [Build-State]
InstallerViewDatabase Extension Manager Manage View [Build-State]
InstallerViewDefault Extension Manager Default View [Build-State]
InstallerViewDiscover Extension Manager Discover View [Build-State]
InstallerViewInstall Extension Manager Install View [Build-State]
InstallerViewLanguages Language installer view [Build-State]
InstallerViewManage Extension Manager Manage View [Build-State]
InstallerViewUpdate Extension Manager Update View [Build-State]
InstallerViewWarnings Extension Manager Templates View [Build-State]
JAccess Class that handles all access authorisation routines. [Build-State]
JAccessRule JAccessRule class. [Build-State]
JAccessRuleTest Test class for JAccessRule. [Build-State]
JAccessRules JAccessRules class. [Build-State]
JAccessRulesTest Test class for JAccessRules. [Build-State]
JAccessTest Test class for JAccess. [Build-State]
JAdapter Adapter Class Retains common adapter pattern functions Class harvested from joomla.installer.installer [Build-State]
JAdapterInstance Adapter Instance Class [Build-State]
JAdapterInstanceTest Test class for JAdapterInstance. [Build-State]
JAdapterTest Test class for JAdapter. [Build-State]
JAdminCssMenu Tree based class to render the admin menu [Build-State]
JAdministratorHelper Joomla! Administrator Application helper class. [Build-State]
JAdministratorHelperTest Test class for JAdministratorHelper. [Build-State]
JApplication Base class for a Joomla! application. [Build-State]
JApplicationAdministrator Joomla! Administrator Application class [Build-State]
JApplicationAdministratorTest Test class for JApplicationAdministrator. [Build-State]
JApplicationBase Joomla Platform Base Application Class [Build-State]
JApplicationBaseInspector Inspector for the JApplicationBase class. [Build-State]
JApplicationBaseTest Test class for JApplicationBase. [Build-State]
JApplicationCli Base class for a Joomla! command line application. [Build-State]
JApplicationCliInspector Inspector for the JApplicationCli class. [Build-State]
JApplicationCliTest Test class for JApplicationCli. [Build-State]
JApplicationCms Joomla! CMS Application class [Build-State]
JApplicationCmsInspector Inspector for the JApplicationCms class. [Build-State]
JApplicationCmsTest Test class for JApplicationCms. [Build-State]
JApplicationDaemon Class to turn JCli applications into daemons. It requires CLI and PCNTL support built into PHP. [Build-State]
JApplicationDaemonInspector Inspector for the JApplicationDaemon class. [Build-State]
JApplicationDaemonTest Test class for JApplicationDaemon. [Build-State]
JApplicationHelper Application helper functions [Build-State]
JApplicationHelperInspector Test class for JApplicationHelper [Build-State]
JApplicationHelperTest Test class for JApplicationHelper. [Build-State]
JApplicationMock JApplicationMock class. [Build-State]
JApplicationResponseJsonMock Test mock class JResponseJson. [Build-State]
JApplicationSite Joomla! Site Application class [Build-State]
JApplicationSiteTest Test class for JApplicationSite. [Build-State]
JApplicationTest Test class for JApplication. [Build-State]
JApplicationWeb Base class for a Joomla! Web application. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebClient Class to model a Web Client. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebClientTest Test class for JApplicationWebClient. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebInspector Inspector for the JApplicationWeb class. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebRouter Class to define an abstract Web application router. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebRouterBase Basic Web application router class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebRouterBaseTest Test class for JApplicationWebRouterBase. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebRouterRest RESTful Web application router class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebRouterRestTest Test class for JApplicationWebRouterRest. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebRouterTest Test class for JApplicationWebRouter. [Build-State]
JApplicationWebTest Test class for JApplicationWeb. [Build-State]
JArchive An Archive handling class [Build-State]
JArchiveBzip2 Bzip2 format adapter for the JArchive class [Build-State]
JArchiveBzip2Test Test class for JArchiveBzip2. [Build-State]
JArchiveGzip Gzip format adapter for the JArchive class [Build-State]
JArchiveGzipTest Test class for JArchiveGzip. [Build-State]
JArchiveTar Tar format adapter for the JArchive class [Build-State]
JArchiveTarTest Test class for JArchiveTar. [Build-State]
JArchiveTest Test class for JArchive. [Build-State]
JArchiveTestCase Abstract test case for archive package tests [Build-State]
JArchiveZip ZIP format adapter for the JArchive class [Build-State]
JArchiveZipTest Test class for JArchiveZip. [Build-State]
JArrayHelper JArrayHelper is an array utility class for doing all sorts of odds and ends with arrays. [Build-State]
JArrayHelperTest JArrayHelperTest [Build-State]
JAuthentication Authentication class, provides an interface for the Joomla authentication system [Build-State]
JAuthenticationResponse Authentication response class, provides an object for storing user and error details [Build-State]
JAuthenticationTest Tests for the JAuthentication class. [Build-State]
JBrowser Browser class, provides capability information about the current web client. [Build-State]
JBrowserTest Test class for JBrowser. [Build-State]
JBuffer Generic Buffer stream handler [Build-State]
JBufferTest Test class for JBuffer. [Build-State]
JButton Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JToolbarButton instead. [Build-State]
JCache Joomla! Cache base object [Build-State]
JCacheController Public cache handler [Build-State]
JCacheControllerCallback Joomla! Cache callback type object [Build-State]
JCacheControllerCallbackTest Test class for JCacheCallback. [Build-State]
JCacheControllerCallbackTest_Callback A unit test class for SubjectClass The two annotations below are required because we use mocks. This avoids bringing bogus classes into the main process. [Build-State]
JCacheControllerOutput Joomla Cache output type object [Build-State]
JCacheControllerOutputTest Test class for JCacheOutput. [Build-State]
JCacheControllerPage Joomla! Cache page type object [Build-State]
JCacheControllerPageTest Test class for JCachePage. [Build-State]
JCacheControllerRaw Interface to JCache methods. Used for testing of cache storage. [Build-State]
JCacheControllerTest Test class for JCacheController. [Build-State]
JCacheControllerView Joomla! Cache view type object [Build-State]
JCacheControllerViewTest Test class for JCacheView. [Build-State]
JCacheStorage Abstract cache storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheStorageApc APC cache storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheStorageApcTest Test class for JCacheStorageApc. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageCachelite Cache lite storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheStorageCacheliteTest Test class for JCacheStorageCachelite. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageFile File cache storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheStorageFileTest Test class for JCacheStorageFile. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageHelper Cache storage helper functions. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageHelperTest Test class for JCacheStorageHelper. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageMemcache Memcache cache storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheStorageMemcacheTest Test class for JCacheStorageMemcache. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageMemcached Memcached cache storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheStorageMock Mock of JCacheStorage Backend Class. Used for testing of cache handlers. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageTest Test class for JCacheStorage. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageTest_Main Mock classes [Build-State]
JCacheStorageWincache WINCACHE cache storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheStorageWincacheTest Test class for JCacheStorageWincache. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageXCacheTest Test class for JCacheStorageXCache. [Build-State]
JCacheStorageXcache XCache cache storage handler [Build-State]
JCacheTest Test class for JCache. [Build-State]
JCacheTest_Construct Test class for JCache. [Build-State]
JCaptcha Joomla! Captcha base object [Build-State]
JCaptchaTest Test class for JCaptcha. [Build-State]
JCategories JCategories Class. [Build-State]
JCategoriesTest Test class for JCategories. [Build-State]
JCategoryNode Helper class to load Categorytree [Build-State]
JCategoryNodeTest Test class for JCategoryNode. [Build-State]
JCli Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JApplicationCli instead. [Build-State]
JClientFtp FTP client class [Build-State]
JClientFtpTest Test class for JClientFtp. [Build-State]
JClientHelper Client helper class [Build-State]
JClientHelperTest Test class for JClientHelper. [Build-State]
JClientLdap LDAP client class [Build-State]
JClientLdapTest Test class for JClientLdap. [Build-State]
JComponentHelper Component helper class [Build-State]
JComponentHelperTest Test class for JComponentHelper. [Build-State]
JConfig Test stub configuration class. [Build-State]
JControllerAdmin Base class for a Joomla Administrator Controller [Build-State]
JControllerAdminTest Test class for JControllerAdmin. [Build-State]
JControllerBase Joomla Platform Base Controller Class [Build-State]
JControllerBaseTest Tests for the JController class. [Build-State]
JControllerForm Controller tailored to suit most form-based admin operations. [Build-State]
JControllerFormTest Test class for JControllerForm. [Build-State]
JControllerLegacy Base class for a Joomla Controller [Build-State]
JControllerLegacyTest Test class for JControllerLegacy. [Build-State]
JCrypt JCrypt is a Joomla Platform class for handling basic encryption/decryption of data. [Build-State]
JCryptCipher3Des JCrypt cipher for Triple DES encryption, decryption and key generation. [Build-State]
JCryptCipher3DesTest Test class for JCryptCipher3Des. [Build-State]
JCryptCipherBlowfish JCrypt cipher for Blowfish encryption, decryption and key generation. [Build-State]
JCryptCipherBlowfishTest Test class for JCryptCipherBlowfish. [Build-State]
JCryptCipherMcrypt JCrypt cipher for mcrypt algorithm encryption, decryption and key generation. [Build-State]
JCryptCipherRijndael256 JCrypt cipher for Rijndael 256 encryption, decryption and key generation. [Build-State]
JCryptCipherRijndael256Test Test class for JCryptCipherRijndael256. [Build-State]
JCryptCipherSimple JCrypt cipher for Simple encryption, decryption and key generation. [Build-State]
JCryptCipherSimpleTest Test class for JCryptCipherSimple. [Build-State]
JCryptKey Encryption key object for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JCryptPasswordSimple Joomla Platform Password Crypter [Build-State]
JCryptPasswordSimpleTest Test class for JCryptPasswordSimple. [Build-State]
JCryptTest Test class for JCrypt. [Build-State]
JDaemon Backward Compatability Stub for JApplicationDaemon [Build-State]
JData JData is a class that is used to store data but allowing you to access the data by mimicking the way PHP handles class properties. [Build-State]
JDataBuran Derived JData class for testing. [Build-State]
JDataCapitaliser Joomla Platform Capitaliser Object Class [Build-State]
JDataSet JDataSet is a collection class that allows the developer to operate on a set of JData objects as if they were in a typical PHP array. [Build-State]
JDataSetTest Tests for the JDataSet class. [Build-State]
JDataTest Tests for the JData class. [Build-State]
JDataVostok Derived JDataSet class for testing. [Build-State]
JDatabase Database connector class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriver Joomla Platform Database Driver Class [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverMysql MySQL database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverMysqlTest Test class for JDatabaseDriverMysql. [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverMysqli MySQLi database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverMysqliTest Test class for JDatabaseDriverMysqli. [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverNosql Test class JDatabase. [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverOracle Oracle database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverPdo Joomla Platform PDO Database Driver Class [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverPostgresql PostgreSQL database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverPostgresqlTest Test class for JDatabaseDriverPostgresql. [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverSqlazure SQL Server database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverSqlite SQLite database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv SQL Server database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverSqlsrvTest Test class for JDatabaseDriverSqlsrv. [Build-State]
JDatabaseDriverTest Test class for JDatabaseDriver. [Build-State]
JDatabaseException Exception class definition for the Database subpackage. [Build-State]
JDatabaseExporter Joomla Platform Database Exporter Class [Build-State]
JDatabaseExporterMysql MySQL export driver. [Build-State]
JDatabaseExporterMysqlTest Tests the JDatabaseExporterMysql class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseExporterMysqli MySQLi export driver. [Build-State]
JDatabaseExporterMysqliTest Tests the JDatabaseExporterMysqli class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseExporterPostgresql PostgreSQL export driver. [Build-State]
JDatabaseExporterPostgresqlTest Test the JDatabaseExporterPostgresql class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseFactory Joomla Platform Database Factory class [Build-State]
JDatabaseFactoryTest Test class for JDatabaseFactory. [Build-State]
JDatabaseImporter Joomla Platform Database Importer Class [Build-State]
JDatabaseImporterMysql MySQL import driver. [Build-State]
JDatabaseImporterMysqlTest Tests the JDatabaseImporterMysql class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseImporterMysqli MySQLi import driver. [Build-State]
JDatabaseImporterMysqliTest Tests the JDatabaseImporterMysqli class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseImporterPostgresql PostgreSQL import driver. [Build-State]
JDatabaseImporterPostgresqlTest Test the JDatabaseImporterPostgresql class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIterator Joomla Platform Database Driver Class [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorAzure SQL azure database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorMysql MySQL database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorMysqlTest Test class for JDatabaseIteratorMysql. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorMysqli MySQLi database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorMysqliTest Test class for JDatabaseIteratorMysqli. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorOracle Oracle database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorPdo PDO database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorPostgresql PostgreSQL database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorPostgresqlTest Test class for JDatabaseIteratorPostgresql. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorSqlite SQLite database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorSqlsrv SQL server database iterator. [Build-State]
JDatabaseIteratorSqlsrvTest Test class for JDatabaseIteratorSqlsrv. [Build-State]
JDatabaseMysql MySQL database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseMysqli MySQLi database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseQuery Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryElement Query Element Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryElementInspector Class to expose protected properties and methods in JDatabaseQueryExporter for testing purposes. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryElementTest Test class for JDatabaseQueryElement. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryInspector Class to expose protected properties and methods in JDatabaseQueryExporter for testing purposes. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryMysql Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryMysqli Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryOracle Oracle Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryPdo PDO Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryPostgresql Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryPostgresqlTest Test class for JDatabaseQueryPostgresql. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQuerySqlazure Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQuerySqlite SQLite Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQuerySqliteTest Test class for JDatabaseQuerySqlite. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv Query Building Class. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQuerySqlsrvTest Test class for JDatabaseQuerySqlsrv. [Build-State]
JDatabaseQueryTest Test class for JDatabaseQuery. [Build-State]
JDatabaseSqlazure SQL Server database driver [Build-State]
JDatabaseSqlsrv SQL Server database driver [Build-State]
JDate JDate is a class that stores a date and provides logic to manipulate and render that date in a variety of formats. [Build-State]
JDateTest Tests for JDate class. [Build-State]
JDispatcher Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JEventDispatcher instead. [Build-State]
JDocument Document class, provides an easy interface to parse and display a document [Build-State]
JDocumentError DocumentError class, provides an easy interface to parse and display an error page [Build-State]
JDocumentErrorTest Test class for JDocumentError. [Build-State]
JDocumentFeed DocumentFeed class, provides an easy interface to parse and display any feed document [Build-State]
JDocumentFeedTest Test class for JDocumentFeed. [Build-State]
JDocumentHTML DocumentHTML class, provides an easy interface to parse and display a HTML document [Build-State]
JDocumentHTMLTest Test class for JDocumentHTML. [Build-State]
JDocumentImage DocumentImage class, provides an easy interface to output image data [Build-State]
JDocumentImageTest Test class for JDocumentImage. [Build-State]
JDocumentJSON JDocumentJSON class, provides an easy interface to parse and display JSON output [Build-State]
JDocumentJSONTest Test class for JDocumentJSON. [Build-State]
JDocumentOpensearch OpenSearch class, provides an easy interface to display an OpenSearch document [Build-State]
JDocumentOpensearchTest Test class for JDocumentOpensearch. [Build-State]
JDocumentRAWTest Test class for JDocumentRAW. [Build-State]
JDocumentRaw DocumentRAW class, provides an easy interface to parse and display raw output [Build-State]
JDocumentRenderer Abstract class for a renderer [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererAtom JDocumentRenderer_Atom is a feed that implements the atom specification [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererAtomTest Test class for JDocumentRendererAtom. [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererComponent Component renderer [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererComponentTest Test class for JDocumentRendererComponent. [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererHead JDocument head renderer [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererHeadTest Test class for JDocumentRendererHead. [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererMessage JDocument system message renderer [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererMessageTest Test class for JDocumentRendererMessage. [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererModule JDocument Module renderer [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererModuleTest Test class for JDocumentRendererModule. [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererModules JDocument Modules renderer [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererModulesTest Test class for JDocumentRendererModules. [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererRSS JDocumentRenderer_RSS is a feed that implements RSS 2.0 Specification [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererRSSTest Test class for JDocumentRendererRSS. [Build-State]
JDocumentRendererTest Test class for JDocumentRenderer. [Build-State]
JDocumentTest Test class for JDocument. [Build-State]
JDocumentXMLTest Test class for JDocumentXML. [Build-State]
JDocumentXml DocumentXML class, provides an easy interface to parse and display XML output [Build-State]
JEditor JEditor class to handle WYSIWYG editors [Build-State]
JEditorTest Test class for JEditor. [Build-State]
JError Error Handling Class [Build-State]
JErrorInspector Stub for testing the JError class. [Build-State]
JErrorPage Displays the custom error page when an uncaught exception occurs. [Build-State]
JErrorPageTest Test class for JErrorPage. [Build-State]
JErrorTest Test class for JError. [Build-State]
JEvent JEvent Class [Build-State]
JEventDispatcher Class to handle dispatching of events. [Build-State]
JEventDispatcherTest Test class for JEventDispatcher. [Build-State]
JEventInspector General inspector class for JEvent. [Build-State]
JEventStub Stub class to test JEvent [Build-State]
JEventTest Test class for JEvent. [Build-State]
JException Joomla! Exception object. [Build-State]
JExtension Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerExtension instead. [Build-State]
JFTP Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JClientFtp instead. [Build-State]
JFacebook Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Facebook API instance. [Build-State]
JFacebookAlbum Facebook API Album class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookAlbumTest Test class for JFacebookAlbum. [Build-State]
JFacebookCheckin Facebook API Checkin class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookCheckinTest Test class for JFacebookCheckin. [Build-State]
JFacebookComment Facebook API Comment class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookCommentTest Test class for JFacebookComment. [Build-State]
JFacebookEvent Facebook API User class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookEventTest Test class for JFacebookEvent. [Build-State]
JFacebookGroup Facebook API Group class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookGroupTest Test class for JFacebookGroup. [Build-State]
JFacebookLink Facebook API Link class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookLinkTest Test class for JFacebookLink. [Build-State]
JFacebookNote Facebook API Note class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookNoteTest Test class for JFacebookNote. [Build-State]
JFacebookOAuth Joomla Platform class for generating Facebook API access token. [Build-State]
JFacebookOauthTest Test class for JFacebookOauth. [Build-State]
JFacebookObject Facebook API object class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookObjectMock Facebook mock object. [Build-State]
JFacebookObjectTest Test class for JFacebookObject. [Build-State]
JFacebookPhoto Facebook API Photo class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookPhotoTest Test class for JFacebookPhoto. [Build-State]
JFacebookPost Facebook API Post class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookPostTest Test class for JFacebookPost. [Build-State]
JFacebookStatus Facebook API Status class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookStatusTest Test class for JFacebookStatus. [Build-State]
JFacebookTest Test class for JFacebook. [Build-State]
JFacebookUser Facebook API User class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookUserTest Test class for JFacebookUser. [Build-State]
JFacebookVideo Facebook API Video class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFacebookVideoTest Test class for JFacebookVideo. [Build-State]
JFactory Joomla Platform Factory class [Build-State]
JFactoryTest Tests for JDate class. [Build-State]
JFeed Class to encapsulate a feed for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFeedEnclosure JFeedEnclosure is an internal class that stores feed enclosure information [Build-State]
JFeedEnclosureTest Test class for JFeedEnclosure. [Build-State]
JFeedEntry Class to encapsulate a feed entry for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFeedEntryTest Test class for JFeedEntry. [Build-State]
JFeedFactory Feed factory class. [Build-State]
JFeedFactoryTest Test class for JFeedFactory. [Build-State]
JFeedImage JFeedImage is an internal class that stores feed image information [Build-State]
JFeedImageTest Test class for JFeedImage. [Build-State]
JFeedItem JFeedItem is an internal class that stores feed item information [Build-State]
JFeedItemTest Test class for JFeedItem. [Build-State]
JFeedLink Feed Link class. [Build-State]
JFeedLinkTest Test class for JFeedLink. [Build-State]
JFeedParser Feed Parser class. [Build-State]
JFeedParserAtom ATOM Feed Parser class. [Build-State]
JFeedParserAtomTest Test class for JFeedParserAtom. [Build-State]
JFeedParserMock Mock Feed Parser class. [Build-State]
JFeedParserMockNamespace Mock Feed Parser namespace class. [Build-State]
JFeedParserProcessElementMock Mock Feed Parser class. [Build-State]
JFeedParserRss RSS Feed Parser class. [Build-State]
JFeedParserRssItunes RSS Feed Parser Namespace handler for iTunes. [Build-State]
JFeedParserRssItunesTest Test class for JFeedParserRssItunes. [Build-State]
JFeedParserRssMedia RSS Feed Parser Namespace handler for MediaRSS. [Build-State]
JFeedParserRssMediaTest Test class for JFeedParserRssMedia. [Build-State]
JFeedParserRssTest Test class for JFeedParserRss. [Build-State]
JFeedParserTest Test class for JFeedParser. [Build-State]
JFeedPerson Feed Person class. [Build-State]
JFeedPersonTest Test class for JFeedPerson. [Build-State]
JFeedTest Test class for JFeed. [Build-State]
JFile A File handling class [Build-State]
JFileTest Test class for JFile. [Build-State]
JFilesystemHelper File system helper [Build-State]
JFilesystemHelperTest Test class for JFilesystemHelper. [Build-State]
JFilesystemPatcher A Unified Diff Format Patcher class [Build-State]
JFilesystemPatcherTest A unit test class for JFilesystemPatcher [Build-State]
JFilterInput JFilterInput is a class for filtering input from any data source [Build-State]
JFilterInputMock JFilterInputMock test class. [Build-State]
JFilterInputMockTracker JFilterInputMockTracker test class. [Build-State]
JFilterInputTest JFilterInputTest [Build-State]
JFilterOutput JFilterOutput [Build-State]
JFilterOutputTest JFilterOutputTest [Build-State]
JFolder A Folder handling class [Build-State]
JFolderTest Test class for JFolder. [Build-State]
JForm Form Class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormDataHelper Data for JForm tests. [Build-State]
JFormField Abstract Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldAccessLevel Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldAccessLevelTest Test class for JFormFieldAccessLevel. [Build-State]
JFormFieldAuthor Form Field to load a list of content authors [Build-State]
JFormFieldBannerClient Bannerclient Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCacheHandler Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCacheHandlerTest Test class for JFormFieldCacheHandler. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCalendar Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCalendarTest Test class for JForm. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCaptcha Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCaptchaTest Test class for JFormFieldCaptcha. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCategory Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCategoryEdit Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCategoryParent Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCategoryTest Test class for JFormFieldCategory. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCheckbox Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCheckboxTest Test class for JFormFieldCheckbox. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCheckboxes Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCheckboxesTest Test class for JFormCheckboxes. [Build-State]
JFormFieldChromeStyle Chrome Styles Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldChromestyleTest Test class for JFormFieldChromestyle. [Build-State]
JFormFieldClicks Clicks Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldColor Color Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldColorTest Test class for JFormFieldColor. [Build-State]
JFormFieldCombo Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldComboTest Test class for JFormFieldCombo. [Build-State]
JFormFieldComponentLayoutTest Test class for JFormFieldComponentLayout. [Build-State]
JFormFieldComponentlayout Form Field to display a list of the layouts for a component view from the extension or template overrides. [Build-State]
JFormFieldContenthistory Field to select a user id from a modal list. [Build-State]
JFormFieldContentlanguage Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldContentlanguageTest Test class for JFormFieldContentlanguage. [Build-State]
JFormFieldContenttype Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldDatabaseConnection Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldDatabaseConnectionTest Test class for JFormFieldDatabaseConnection. [Build-State]
JFormFieldDirectories Renders a list of directories. [Build-State]
JFormFieldEMail Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldEMailTest Test class for JFormFieldEMail. [Build-State]
JFormFieldEditor Form Field class for the Joomla CMS. [Build-State]
JFormFieldEditorTest Test class for JFormFieldEditor. [Build-State]
JFormFieldFile Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldFileList Supports an HTML select list of files [Build-State]
JFormFieldFileListTest Test class for JFormFieldFileList. [Build-State]
JFormFieldFileTest Test class for JFormFieldFile. [Build-State]
JFormFieldFilters Text Filters form field. [Build-State]
JFormFieldFolderList Supports an HTML select list of folder [Build-State]
JFormFieldFolderListTest Test class for JFormFieldFolderList. [Build-State]
JFormFieldFoo Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldGroupParent Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldGroupedList Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldGroupedListTest Test class for JFormFieldGroupedList. [Build-State]
JFormFieldHeadertag Form Field class for the Joomla! CMS. [Build-State]
JFormFieldHeadertagTest Test class for JFormFieldHeadertag. [Build-State]
JFormFieldHelpsite Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldHelpsiteTest Test class for JFormFieldHelpsite. [Build-State]
JFormFieldHidden Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldHiddenTest Test class for JFormFieldHidden. [Build-State]
JFormFieldImageList Supports an HTML select list of image [Build-State]
JFormFieldImageListTest Test class for JFormFieldImageList. [Build-State]
JFormFieldImpMade Clicks Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldImpTotal Impressions Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldInspector JFormFieldInspector class. [Build-State]
JFormFieldInteger Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldIntegersTest Test class for JFormFieldInteger. [Build-State]
JFormFieldLanguage Language Form Field class. [Build-State]
JFormFieldLanguageTest Test class for JFormFieldLanguage. [Build-State]
JFormFieldLimitbox Field to load a list of posible item count limits [Build-State]
JFormFieldList Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldListTest Test class for JFormFieldList. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMedia Form Field class for the Joomla CMS. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMediaTest Test class for JFormFieldMedia. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMenu Supports an HTML select list of menus [Build-State]
JFormFieldMenuOrdering Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMenuParent Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMenuTest Test class for JFormFieldMenu. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMenuitem Supports an HTML grouped select list of menu item grouped by menu [Build-State]
JFormFieldMenuitemTest Test class for JFormFieldMenuitem. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMenutype Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldMeter Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModal_Article Supports a modal article picker. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModal_Category Supports a modal article picker. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModal_Contact Supports a modal contact picker. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModal_Foo Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModal_Newsfeed Supports a modal newsfeeds picker. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModuleLayoutTest Test class for JFormFieldModuleLayout. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModuleOrder Form Field class for the Joomla! CMS. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModulePosition Form Field class for the Joomla! CMS. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModulelayout Form Field to display a list of the layouts for module display from the module or template overrides. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModuleorderTest Test class for JFormFieldModuleorder. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModulepositionTest Test class for JFormFieldModuleposition. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModuletag Form Field class for the Joomla! CMS. [Build-State]
JFormFieldModuletagTest Test class for JFormFieldModuletag. [Build-State]
JFormFieldNewsfeeds Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldNote Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldNumber Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldNumberTest Test class for JFormFieldUrl. [Build-State]
JFormFieldOrdering Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldPassword Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldPasswordTest Test class for JFormFieldPassword. [Build-State]
JFormFieldPluginordering Supports an HTML select list of plugins [Build-State]
JFormFieldPlugins Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldPluginsTest Test class for JFormFieldPlugins. [Build-State]
JFormFieldPredefinedList Form Field to load a list of predefined values [Build-State]
JFormFieldPrefix Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldRadio Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldRadioTest Test class for JFormFieldRadio. [Build-State]
JFormFieldRange Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldRangeTest Test class for JFormFieldUrl. [Build-State]
JFormFieldRegistrationDateRange Field to show a list of available user active statuses [Build-State]
JFormFieldRepeatable Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldRules Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldRulesTest Test class for JFormFieldRules. [Build-State]
JFormFieldSQL Supports an custom SQL select list [Build-State]
JFormFieldSQLTest Test class for JFormFieldSQL. [Build-State]
JFormFieldSample Sample data Form Field class. [Build-State]
JFormFieldSearchFilter Search Filter field for the Finder package. [Build-State]
JFormFieldSessionHandler Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldSessionHandlerTest Test class for JFormFieldSessionHandler. [Build-State]
JFormFieldSpacer Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldSpacerTest Test class for JForm. [Build-State]
JFormFieldStatus Form Field to load a list of states [Build-State]
JFormFieldTag Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTel Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTelTest Test class for JFormFieldTel. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTemplatestyle Form Field class for the Joomla CMS. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTemplatestyleTest Test class for JFormFieldTemplatestyle. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTest Form Field class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormFieldText Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTextTest Test class for JFormFieldText. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTextarea Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTextareaTest Test class for JFormFieldTextarea. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTimezone Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTimezoneTest Test class for JFormFieldTimezone. [Build-State]
JFormFieldTos Provides input for TOS [Build-State]
JFormFieldUrl Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldUrlTest Test class for JFormFieldUrl. [Build-State]
JFormFieldUser Field to select a user ID from a modal list. [Build-State]
JFormFieldUserActive Field to show a list of available user active statuses [Build-State]
JFormFieldUserGroupList Field to load a list of available users statuses [Build-State]
JFormFieldUserMessages Supports an modal select of user that have access to com_messages [Build-State]
JFormFieldUserState Field to load a list of available users statuses [Build-State]
JFormFieldUserTest Test class for JFormFieldUser. [Build-State]
JFormFieldUsergroup Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormFieldUsergroupTest Test class for JFormFieldUsergroup. [Build-State]
JFormHelper JForm's helper class. [Build-State]
JFormInspector JFormInspector class. [Build-State]
JFormRule Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleBoolean Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleBooleanTest Test class for JFormRuleBoolean. [Build-State]
JFormRuleCaptcha Form Rule class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormRuleCaptchaTest Test class for JFormRuleCaptcha. [Build-State]
JFormRuleColor Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleColorTest Test class for JFormRuleColor. [Build-State]
JFormRuleContactEmail JFormRule for com_contact to make sure the E-Mail adress is not blocked. [Build-State]
JFormRuleContactEmailMessage JFormRule for com_contact to make sure the message body contains no banned word. [Build-State]
JFormRuleContactEmailSubject JFormRule for com_contact to make sure the subject contains no banned word. [Build-State]
JFormRuleCustom Form Rule class for the Joomla Framework. [Build-State]
JFormRuleEmail Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleEmailTest Test class for JFormRuleEmail. [Build-State]
JFormRuleEquals Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleEqualsTest Test class for JFormRuleEquals. [Build-State]
JFormRuleNotequals Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleOptions Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleOptionsTest Test class for JFormRuleOptions. [Build-State]
JFormRulePassword Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRulePrefix Form Rule class for the prefix DB. [Build-State]
JFormRuleRules Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleRulesTest Test class for JFormRuleRules. [Build-State]
JFormRuleTel Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform [Build-State]
JFormRuleTelTest Test class for JFormRuleTel. [Build-State]
JFormRuleTest Test class for JFormRule. [Build-State]
JFormRuleUrl Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleUrlTest Test class for JFormRuleUrl. [Build-State]
JFormRuleUsername Form Rule class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JFormRuleUsernameTest Test class for JFormRuleUsername. [Build-State]
JFormTest Test class for JForm. [Build-State]
JGitHubCommitsTest Test class for JGitHubCommits. [Build-State]
JGithub Joomla Platform class for interacting with a GitHub server instance. [Build-State]
JGithubAccount GitHub API Account class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubAccountTest Test class for JGithubAccount. [Build-State]
JGithubCommits GitHub API Commits class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubForks GitHub API Forks class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubForksTest Test class for JGithubGists. [Build-State]
JGithubGists GitHub API Gists class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubGistsTest Test class for JGithubGists. [Build-State]
JGithubHooks GitHub API Hooks class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubHooksTest Test class for JGithubHooks. [Build-State]
JGithubHttp HTTP client class for connecting to a GitHub instance. [Build-State]
JGithubHttpTest Test class for JGithub. [Build-State]
JGithubIssues GitHub API Issues class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubIssuesTest Test class for JGithubIssues. [Build-State]
JGithubMeta GitHub API Meta class. [Build-State]
JGithubMetaTest Test class for JGithubMeta. [Build-State]
JGithubMilestones GitHub API Milestones class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubMilestonesTest Test class for JGithubPulls. [Build-State]
JGithubObject GitHub API object class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubObjectMock JGithubObjectMock class. [Build-State]
JGithubObjectTest Test class for JGithub. [Build-State]
JGithubPulls GitHub API Pull Requests class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubPullsTest Test class for JGithubPulls. [Build-State]
JGithubRefs GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubRefsTest Test class for JGithubGists. [Build-State]
JGithubStatuses GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubStatusesTest Test class for JGithubGists. [Build-State]
JGithubTest Test class for JGithub. [Build-State]
JGithubUsers GitHub API References class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGithubUsersTest Test class for JGithubIssues. [Build-State]
JGoogle Joomla Platform class for interacting with the Google APIs. [Build-State]
JGoogleAuth Google authentication class abstract [Build-State]
JGoogleAuthOauth2 Google OAuth authentication class [Build-State]
JGoogleAuthOauth2Test Test class for JGoogleAuthOauth2Test . [Build-State]
JGoogleData Google API data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataAdsense Google Adsense data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataAdsenseTest Test class for JGoogleDataAdsense. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataCalendar Google Calendar data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataCalendarTest Test class for JGoogleDataCalendar. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPicasa Google Picasa data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbum Google Picasa data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPicasaAlbumTest Test class for JGoogleDataPicasa. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPicasaPhoto Google Picasa data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPicasaPhotoTest Test class for JGoogleDataPicasa. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPicasaTest Test class for JGoogleDataPicasa. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlus Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlusActivities Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlusActivitiesTest Test class for JGoogleDataPlusActivities. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlusComments Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlusCommentsTest Test class for JGoogleDataPlusComments. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlusPeople Google+ data class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlusPeopleTest Test class for JGoogleDataPlusPeople. [Build-State]
JGoogleDataPlusTest Test class for JGoogleDataPlus. [Build-State]
JGoogleEmbed Google API object class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleEmbedAnalytics Google Analytics embed class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleEmbedAnalyticsTest Test class for JGoogle. [Build-State]
JGoogleEmbedMaps Google Maps embed class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JGoogleEmbedMapsTest Test class for JGoogle. [Build-State]
JGoogleTest Test class for JGoogle. [Build-State]
JGrid JGrid class to dynamically generate HTML tables [Build-State]
JGridInspector General inspector class for JGrid. [Build-State]
JGridTest Test class for JGrid. [Build-State]
JHelp Help system class [Build-State]
JHelpTest Test class for JHelp. [Build-State]
JHelper Base Helper class. [Build-State]
JHelperContent Helper for standard content style extensions. [Build-State]
JHelperContentTest Test class for JHelperCOntent. [Build-State]
JHelperContenthistory Versions helper class, provides methods to perform various tasks relevant versioning of content. [Build-State]
JHelperContenthistoryTest Test class for JHelperContenthistory. [Build-State]
JHelperMedia Media helper class [Build-State]
JHelperMediaTest Test class for JHelperMedia. [Build-State]
JHelperRoute Route Helper [Build-State]
JHelperTags Tags helper class, provides methods to perform various tasks relevant tagging of content. [Build-State]
JHelperTagsTest Test class for JHelperTags. [Build-State]
JHelperTest Test class for JHelper. [Build-State]
JHtml Utility class for all HTML drawing classes [Build-State]
JHtmlAccess Extended Utility class for all HTML drawing classes. [Build-State]
JHtmlAccessTest Test class for JHtmlAccess. [Build-State]
JHtmlActionsDropdown HTML utility class for building a dropdown menu [Build-State]
JHtmlBanner Banner HTML class. [Build-State]
JHtmlBatch Extended Utility class for batch processing widgets. [Build-State]
JHtmlBatchTest Test class for JHtmlBatch. [Build-State]
JHtmlBehavior Utility class for JavaScript behaviors [Build-State]
JHtmlBehaviorInspector Inspector for JHtmlBootstrap [Build-State]
JHtmlBehaviorTest Test class for JHtmlBehavior. [Build-State]
JHtmlBootstrap Utility class for Bootstrap elements. [Build-State]
JHtmlBootstrapInspector Inspector for JHtmlBootstrap [Build-State]
JHtmlBootstrapTest Test class for JHtmlBootstrap. [Build-State]
JHtmlCategoriesAdministrator No description available [Build-State]
JHtmlCategory Utility class for categories [Build-State]
JHtmlCategoryTest Test class for JHtmlCategory. [Build-State]
JHtmlContact No description available [Build-State]
JHtmlContent Utility class to fire onContentPrepare for non-article based content. [Build-State]
JHtmlContentAdministrator Content HTML helper [Build-State]
JHtmlContentLanguage Utility class working with content language select lists [Build-State]
JHtmlContentTest Test class for JHtmlContent. [Build-State]
JHtmlDate Extended Utility class for handling date display. [Build-State]
JHtmlDateTest Test class for JHtmlDate. [Build-State]
JHtmlDirectory Utility class working with directory [Build-State]
JHtmlDropdown HTML utility class for building a dropdown menu [Build-State]
JHtmlDropdownTest Test class for JHtmlDropdown. [Build-State]
JHtmlEmail Utility class for cloaking email addresses [Build-State]
JHtmlEmailTest Test class for JHtmlEmail. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldCheckboxTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldCheckbox. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldEmailTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldEmail. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldNumberTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldNumber. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldPasswordTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldPassword. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldRadioTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldRadio. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldRangeTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldRange. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldTelTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldTel. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlSelect. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldTextTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldText. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldTextareaTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldTextarea. [Build-State]
JHtmlFieldUrlTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlFieldUrl. [Build-State]
JHtmlFilter Filter HTML Behaviors for Finder. [Build-State]
JHtmlFinder HTML behavior class for Finder. [Build-State]
JHtmlForm Utility class for form elements [Build-State]
JHtmlFormTest Test class for JHtmlForm. [Build-State]
JHtmlFormbehavior Utility class for form related behaviors [Build-State]
JHtmlFormbehaviorTest Test class for JHtmlFormbehavior. [Build-State]
JHtmlGrid Utility class for creating HTML Grids [Build-State]
JHtmlGridTest Test class for JHtmlGrid. [Build-State]
JHtmlIcon Content Component HTML Helper [Build-State]
JHtmlIcons Utility class for icons. [Build-State]
JHtmlIconsTest Test class for JHtmlIcons. [Build-State]
JHtmlInspector JHtmlInspector test class. [Build-State]
JHtmlInstallation HTML utility class for the installation application [Build-State]
JHtmlJGrid Utility class for creating HTML Grids [Build-State]
JHtmlJGridTest Test class for JHtmlJGrid. [Build-State]
JHtmlJquery Utility class for jQuery JavaScript behaviors [Build-State]
JHtmlJqueryInspector Inspector for JHtmlJquery [Build-State]
JHtmlJqueryTest Test class for JHtmlJquery. [Build-State]
JHtmlLanguages Utility class working with languages [Build-State]
JHtmlLinks Utility class for icons. [Build-State]
JHtmlList Utility class for creating different select lists [Build-State]
JHtmlListTest Test class for JHtmlList. [Build-State]
JHtmlMenu Utility class working with menu select lists [Build-State]
JHtmlMenuTest Test class for JHtmlMenu. [Build-State]
JHtmlMessages No description available [Build-State]
JHtmlModules No description available [Build-State]
JHtmlNewsfeed Utility class for creating HTML Grids [Build-State]
JHtmlNumber HTML helper class for rendering numbers. [Build-State]
JHtmlNumberTest Test class for JHtmlNumberTest. [Build-State]
JHtmlPhpSetting Utility class working with phpsetting [Build-State]
JHtmlQuery Query HTML behavior class for Finder. [Build-State]
JHtmlRedirect Utility class for creating HTML Grids [Build-State]
JHtmlRules Extended Utility class for all HTML drawing classes. [Build-State]
JHtmlRulesTest Test class for JHtmlRules. [Build-State]
JHtmlSearchtools Searchtools elements. [Build-State]
JHtmlSelect Utility class for creating HTML select lists [Build-State]
JHtmlSelectTest Test class for JHtmlSelect. [Build-State]
JHtmlSelectTest_DataSet Data set class for JHtmlSelect. [Build-State]
JHtmlSidebar Utility class to render a list view sidebar [Build-State]
JHtmlSliders Utility class for Sliders elements [Build-State]
JHtmlSortablelist HTML utility class for creating a sortable table list [Build-State]
JHtmlSortablelistTest Test class for JHtmlSortablelist. [Build-State]
JHtmlString HTML helper class for rendering manipulated strings. [Build-State]
JHtmlStringTest Tests for JHtmlString. [Build-State]
JHtmlSystem Utility class working with system [Build-State]
JHtmlTabs Utility class for Tabs elements. [Build-State]
JHtmlTag Utility class for tags [Build-State]
JHtmlTel HTML helper class for rendering telephone numbers. [Build-State]
JHtmlTelTest Test class for JHtmlTel. [Build-State]
JHtmlTemplates No description available [Build-State]
JHtmlTest Tests for the JHtml class. [Build-State]
JHtmlTextdiff HTML utility class for creating text diffs using jQuery, diff_patch_match.js and jquery.pretty-text-diff.js JavaScript libraries. [Build-State]
JHtmlUser Utility class working with users [Build-State]
JHtmlUserTest Test class for JHtmlUser. [Build-State]
JHtmlUsers Users Html Helper [Build-State]
JHttp HTTP client class. [Build-State]
JHttpFactory HTTP factory class. [Build-State]
JHttpResponse HTTP response data object class. [Build-State]
JHttpTransportCurl HTTP transport class for using cURL. [Build-State]
JHttpTransportSocket HTTP transport class for using sockets directly. [Build-State]
JHttpTransportStream HTTP transport class for using PHP streams. [Build-State]
JImage Class to manipulate an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilter Class to manipulate an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilterBrightness Image Filter class adjust the brightness of an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilterBrightnessTest Test class for JImage. [Build-State]
JImageFilterContrast Image Filter class adjust the contrast of an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilterContrastTest Test class for JImage. [Build-State]
JImageFilterEdgedetect Image Filter class to add an edge detect effect to an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilterEdgedetectTest Test class for JImage. [Build-State]
JImageFilterEmboss Image Filter class to emboss an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilterGrayscale Image Filter class to transform an image to grayscale. [Build-State]
JImageFilterInspector Image Filter class inspector for testing purposes. [Build-State]
JImageFilterNegate Image Filter class to negate the colors of an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilterSketchy Image Filter class to make an image appear "sketchy". [Build-State]
JImageFilterSmooth Image Filter class adjust the smoothness of an image. [Build-State]
JImageFilterTest Test class for JImage. [Build-State]
JImageInspector Inspector for the JImage class. [Build-State]
JImageTest Test class for JImage. [Build-State]
JInput Joomla! Input Base Class [Build-State]
JInputCli Joomla! Input CLI Class [Build-State]
JInputCliTest Test class for JInputCli. [Build-State]
JInputCookie Joomla! Input Cookie Class [Build-State]
JInputCookieTest Test class for JInputCookie. [Build-State]
JInputFiles Joomla! Input Files Class [Build-State]
JInputFilesTest Test class for JInputFiles. [Build-State]
JInputInspector Inspector class for the JInput library. [Build-State]
JInputJSON Joomla! Input JSON Class [Build-State]
JInputTest Test class for JInput. [Build-State]
JInstaller Joomla base installer class [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterComponent Component installer [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterFile File installer [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterLanguage Language installer [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterLibrary Library installer [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterModule Module installer [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterPackage Package installer [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterPlugin Plugin installer [Build-State]
JInstallerAdapterTemplate Template installer [Build-State]
JInstallerComponent Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterComponent instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerExtension Extension object [Build-State]
JInstallerExtensionTest Test class for JInstallerExtension. [Build-State]
JInstallerFile Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterFile instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerHelper Installer helper class [Build-State]
JInstallerHelperTest Test class for JInstallerHelper. [Build-State]
JInstallerLanguage Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterLanguage instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerLibrary Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterLibrary instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerManifest Joomla! Package Manifest File [Build-State]
JInstallerManifestLibrary Joomla! Library Manifest File [Build-State]
JInstallerManifestLibraryTest Test class for JInstallerManifestLibrary. [Build-State]
JInstallerManifestPackage Joomla! Package Manifest File [Build-State]
JInstallerManifestPackageTest Test class for JInstallerManifestPackage. [Build-State]
JInstallerManifestTest Test class for JInstallerManifest. [Build-State]
JInstallerModule Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterModule instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerPackage Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterPackage instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerPlugin Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterPlugin instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerTemplate Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JInstallerAdapterTemplate instead. [Build-State]
JInstallerTest Test class for JInstaller. [Build-State]
JJsonResponse JSON Response class [Build-State]
JKeychain Keychain Class [Build-State]
JKeychainTest Tests for the Joomla Platform Keychain Class [Build-State]
JLDAP Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JClientLdap instead. [Build-State]
JLanguage Languages/translation handler class [Build-State]
JLanguageAssociations Utitlity class for associations in multilang [Build-State]
JLanguageHelper Language helper class [Build-State]
JLanguageHelperTest Test class for JLanguageHelper. [Build-State]
JLanguageInspector Inspector for the JLanguage class. [Build-State]
JLanguageMultilang Utitlity class for multilang [Build-State]
JLanguageMultilangTest Test class for JLanguageMultilang. [Build-State]
JLanguageStemmer Stemmer base class. [Build-State]
JLanguageStemmerPorteren Porter English stemmer class. [Build-State]
JLanguageStemmerPorterenTest Test class for JLanguageStemmerPorteren. [Build-State]
JLanguageStemmerTest Test class for JLanguageStemmer. [Build-State]
JLanguageTest Test class for JLanguage. [Build-State]
JLanguageTransliterate Class to transliterate strings [Build-State]
JLanguageTransliterateTest Test class for JLanguageTransliterate. [Build-State]
JLayoutBase Base class for rendering a display layout [Build-State]
JLayoutBaseTest Test class for JLayoutBase. [Build-State]
JLayoutFile Base class for rendering a display layout loaded from from a layout file [Build-State]
JLayoutFileTest Test class for JLayoutFile. [Build-State]
JLayoutHelper Helper to render a JLayout object, storing a base path [Build-State]
JLibraryHelper Library helper class [Build-State]
JLinkedin Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Linkedin API instance. [Build-State]
JLinkedinCommunications Linkedin API Social Communications class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JLinkedinCommunicationsTest Test class for JLinkedinCommunications. [Build-State]
JLinkedinCompanies Linkedin API Companies class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JLinkedinCompaniesTest Test class for JLinkedinCompanies. [Build-State]
JLinkedinGroups Linkedin API Groups class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JLinkedinGroupsTest Test class for JLinkedinGroups. [Build-State]
JLinkedinJobs Linkedin API Jobs class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JLinkedinJobsTest Test class for JLinkedinJobs. [Build-State]
JLinkedinOAuthTest Test class for JLinkedinOAuth. [Build-State]
JLinkedinOauth Joomla Platform class for generating Linkedin API access token. [Build-State]
JLinkedinObject Linkedin API object class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JLinkedinObjectMock No description available [Build-State]
JLinkedinObjectTest Test class for JLinkedinObject. [Build-State]
JLinkedinPeople Linkedin API People class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JLinkedinPeopleTest Test class for JLinkedinPeople. [Build-State]
JLinkedinStream Linkedin API Social Stream class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JLinkedinStreamTest Test class for JLinkedinStream. [Build-State]
JLinkedinTest Test class for JLinkedin. [Build-State]
JLoader Static class to handle loading of libraries. [Build-State]
JLoaderTest Test class for JLoader. [Build-State]
JLog Joomla! Log Class [Build-State]
JLogEntry Joomla! Log Entry class [Build-State]
JLogEntryTest Test class for JLogEntry. [Build-State]
JLogInspector JLogInspector class. [Build-State]
JLogLogger Joomla! Logger Base Class [Build-State]
JLogLoggerCallback Joomla! Callback Log class [Build-State]
JLogLoggerCallbackInspector JLogLoggerCallbackInspector class for testing JLogLoggerCallback [Build-State]
JLogLoggerCallbackTest Test class for JLogLoggerCallback. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerCallbackTestHelper Helper class for JLogLoggerCallbackTest [Build-State]
JLogLoggerDatabase Joomla! MySQL Database Log class [Build-State]
JLogLoggerDatabaseInspector JLogLoggerDatabaseInspector class. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerDatabaseTest Test class for JLogLoggerDatabase. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerEcho Joomla Echo logger class. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerEchoTest Test class for JLogLoggerEcho. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerFormattedTextInspector JLogLoggerFormattedTextInspector class. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerFormattedTextTest Test class for JLogLoggerFormattedText. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerFormattedtext Joomla! Formatted Text File Log class [Build-State]
JLogLoggerMessageQueueTest Test class for JLogLoggerMessageQueue. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerMessagequeue Joomla MessageQueue logger class. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerSysLogTest Test class for JLogLoggerSysLog. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerSyslog Joomla! Syslog Log class [Build-State]
JLogLoggerW3CInspector JLogLoggerW3CInspector class. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerW3CTest Test class for JLogLoggerW3C. [Build-State]
JLogLoggerW3c Joomla! W3c Logging class [Build-State]
JLogTest Test class for JLog. [Build-State]
JLogger Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JLogLogger instead. [Build-State]
JMail Email Class. Provides a common interface to send email from the Joomla! Platform [Build-State]
JMailHelper Email helper class, provides static methods to perform various tasks relevant to the Joomla email routines. [Build-State]
JMailHelperTest Test class for JMailHelper. [Build-State]
JMailTest Test class for JMail. [Build-State]
JMediawiki Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Mediawiki server instance. [Build-State]
JMediawikiCategories MediaWiki API Categories class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiCategoriesTest Test class for JMediawikiCategories. [Build-State]
JMediawikiHttp HTTP client class for connecting to a MediaWiki instance. [Build-State]
JMediawikiHttpTest Test class for JMediawikiHttp. [Build-State]
JMediawikiImages MediaWiki API Images class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiImagesTest Test class for JMediawikiImages. [Build-State]
JMediawikiLinks MediaWiki API Links class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiLinksTest Test class for JMediawikiLinks. [Build-State]
JMediawikiObject MediaWiki API object class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiObjectMock JMediawikiObjectMock class. [Build-State]
JMediawikiObjectTest Test class for JMediawikiCategories. [Build-State]
JMediawikiPages MediaWiki API Pages class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiPagesTest Test class for JMediawikiPages. [Build-State]
JMediawikiSearch MediaWiki API Search class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiSearchTest Test class for JMediawikiSearch. [Build-State]
JMediawikiSites MediaWiki API Sites class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiSitesTest Test class for JMediawikiCategories. [Build-State]
JMediawikiTest Test class for JMediawiki. [Build-State]
JMediawikiUsers MediaWiki API Users class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JMediawikiUsersTest Test class for JMediawikiUsers. [Build-State]
JMenu JMenu class [Build-State]
JMenuAdministrator JMenu class. [Build-State]
JMenuNode A Node for JAdminCssMenu [Build-State]
JMenuSite JMenu class [Build-State]
JMenuSiteTest Test class for JMenuSite. [Build-State]
JMenuTest Test class for JMenu. [Build-State]
JMicrodata Joomla Platform class for interacting with Microdata semantics. [Build-State]
JMicrodataTest Test class for JMicrodata [Build-State]
JModelAdmin Prototype admin model. [Build-State]
JModelAdminTest Test class for JModelAdmin. [Build-State]
JModelBase Joomla Platform Base Model Class [Build-State]
JModelBaseTest Tests for the JViewBase class. [Build-State]
JModelDatabase Joomla Platform Database Model Class [Build-State]
JModelDatabaseTest Tests for the JViewBase class. [Build-State]
JModelForm Prototype form model. [Build-State]
JModelFormTest Test class for JModelForm. [Build-State]
JModelItem Prototype item model. [Build-State]
JModelItemTest Test class for JModelItem. [Build-State]
JModelLegacy Base class for a Joomla Model [Build-State]
JModelLegacyTest Tests for the JModelLegacy class. [Build-State]
JModelList Model class for handling lists of items. [Build-State]
JModelListTest Test class for JModelList. [Build-State]
JModelMock Mock class for JModel. [Build-State]
JModuleHelper Module helper class [Build-State]
JModuleHelperTest Test class for JModuleHelper. [Build-State]
JNode Tree Node Class. [Build-State]
JOAuth1Client Joomla Platform class for interacting with an OAuth 1.0 and 1.0a server. [Build-State]
JOAuth1ClientInspector Inspector for the JOAuth1Client class. [Build-State]
JOAuth1ClientTest Test class for JOAuth1Client. [Build-State]
JOAuth2Client Joomla Platform class for interacting with an OAuth 2.0 server. [Build-State]
JOAuth2ClientTest Test class for JOAuth2Client. [Build-State]
JObject Joomla Platform Object Class [Build-State]
JObjectTest Test class for JObject. [Build-State]
JObservable Abstract observable class to implement the observer design pattern [Build-State]
JObserver Abstract observer class to implement the observer design pattern [Build-State]
JObserverMapper Observer mapping pattern implementation for Joomla [Build-State]
JObserverUpdater Observer updater pattern implementation for Joomla [Build-State]
JOpenSearchImage JOpenSearchImage is an internal class that stores Images for the OpenSearch Description [Build-State]
JOpenSearchImageTest Test class for JOpenSearchImage. [Build-State]
JOpenSearchUrl JOpenSearchUrl is an internal class that stores the search URLs for the OpenSearch description [Build-State]
JOpenSearchUrlTest Test class for JOpenSearchUrl. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmap Joomla Platform class for interact with Openstreetmap API. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapChangesets Openstreetmap API Changesets class for the Joomla Platform [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapChangesetsTest Test class for JOpenstreetmapChangesets. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapElements Openstreetmap API Elements class for the Joomla Platform [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapElementsTest Test class for JOpenstreetmapElements. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapGps Openstreetmap API GPS class for the Joomla Platform [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapGpsTest Test class for JOpenstreetmapGps. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapInfo Openstreetmap API Info class for the Joomla Platform [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapInfoTest Test class for JOpenstreetmapInfo. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapOauth Joomla Platform class for generating Openstreetmap API access token. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapOauthTest Test class for JOpenstreetmapOauth. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapObject Openstreetmap API object class for the Joomla Platform [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapObjectMock Mock JOpenstreetmapObject [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapObjectTest Test class for JOpenstreetmapObject. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapTest Test class for JOpenstreetmap. [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapUser Openstreetmap API User class for the Joomla Platform [Build-State]
JOpenstreetmapUserTest Test class for JOpenstreetmapInfo. [Build-State]
JPagination Pagination Class. Provides a common interface for content pagination for the Joomla! CMS. [Build-State]
JPaginationObject Pagination object representing a particular item in the pagination lists. [Build-State]
JPaginationObjectTest Test class for JPaginationObject. [Build-State]
JPaginationTest Test class for JPagination. [Build-State]
JPath A Path handling class [Build-State]
JPathTest Tests for the JPath class. [Build-State]
JPathway Class to maintain a pathway. [Build-State]
JPathwayInspector General inspector class for JPathway. [Build-State]
JPathwayInspector2 Stub class to test JPathway. [Build-State]
JPathwaySite Class to manage the site application pathway. [Build-State]
JPathwaySiteTest Test class for JPathwaySite. [Build-State]
JPathwayTest Test class for JPathway. [Build-State]
JPlatform Version information class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JPlatformTest JPlatformTest [Build-State]
JPlugin JPlugin Class [Build-State]
JPluginHelper Plugin helper class [Build-State]
JPluginHelperTest Test class for JPluginHelper. [Build-State]
JPluginTest Test class for JPlugin. [Build-State]
JProfiler Utility class to assist in the process of benchmarking the execution of sections of code to understand where time is being spent. [Build-State]
JProfilerTest Test class for JProfiler. [Build-State]
JRegistry JRegistry class [Build-State]
JRegistryFormat Abstract Format for JRegistry [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatINI INI format handler for JRegistry. [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatINITest Test class for JRegistryFormatINI. [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatJSON JSON format handler for JRegistry. [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatJSONTest Test class for JRegistryFormatJSON. [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatPHP PHP class format handler for JRegistry [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatPHPTest Test class for JRegistryFormatPHP. [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatTest Test class for JRegistryFormat. [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatXML XML format handler for JRegistry. [Build-State]
JRegistryFormatXMLTest Test class for JRegistryFormatXML. [Build-State]
JRegistryInspector Inspector classes for the JRegistry package. [Build-State]
JRegistryTest Test class for JRegistry. [Build-State]
JRequest JRequest Class [Build-State]
JResponse JResponse Class. [Build-State]
JResponseJson JSON Response class. [Build-State]
JResponseJsonTest Test class for JResponseJson. [Build-State]
JResponseTest Test class for JResponse. [Build-State]
JRoute Route handling class [Build-State]
JRouter Class to create and parse routes [Build-State]
JRouterAdministrator Class to create and parse routes [Build-State]
JRouterAdministratorTest Test class for JRouterAdministrator. [Build-State]
JRouterInstallation Class to create and parse routes [Build-State]
JRouterSite Class to create and parse routes for the site application [Build-State]
JRouterSiteTest Test class for JRouterSite. [Build-State]
JRouterTest Test class for JRouter. [Build-State]
JRule Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JAccessRule instead. [Build-State]
JRules Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JAccessRules instead. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitem Each object represents one query, which is one line from a DDL SQL query. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitemMysql Checks the database schema against one MySQL DDL query to see if it has been run. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitemMysqlTest Test class for JSchemaChangeitemMysql. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitemPostgresql Checks the database schema against one PostgreSQL DDL query to see if it has been run. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitemPostgresqlTest Test class for JSchemaChangeitemPostgresql. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitemSqlsrv Checks the database schema against one SQL Server DDL query to see if it has been run. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitemSqlsrvTest Test class for JSchemaChangeitemSqlsrv. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeitemTest Test class for JSchemaChangeitem. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangeset Contains a set of JSchemaChange objects for a particular instance of Joomla. [Build-State]
JSchemaChangesetTest Test class for JSchemaChangeset. [Build-State]
JSearchHelper Helper class for Joomla! Search components [Build-State]
JSearchHelperTest Test class for JSearchHelper. [Build-State]
JSession Class for managing HTTP sessions [Build-State]
JSessionStorage Custom session storage handler for PHP [Build-State]
JSessionStorageApc APC session storage handler for PHP [Build-State]
JSessionStorageDatabase Database session storage handler for PHP [Build-State]
JSessionStorageMemcache Memcache session storage handler for PHP [Build-State]
JSessionStorageMemcached Memcached session storage handler for PHP [Build-State]
JSessionStorageNone File session handler for PHP [Build-State]
JSessionStorageWincache WINCACHE session storage handler for PHP [Build-State]
JSessionStorageXcache XCache session storage handler [Build-State]
JSimplecrypt JSimpleCrypt is a very simple encryption algorithm for encrypting/decrypting strings [Build-State]
JSimplepieFactory Class to maintain a pathway. [Build-State]
JSite Mock JSite class used to fool the frontend search plugins because they route the results. [Build-State]
JStream Joomla! Stream Interface [Build-State]
JStreamString String Stream Wrapper [Build-State]
JStreamStringTest Test class for JStreamString. [Build-State]
JStreamTest Test class for JStream. [Build-State]
JString String handling class for utf-8 data Wraps the phputf8 library All functions assume the validity of utf-8 strings. [Build-State]
JStringController String Controller [Build-State]
JStringControllerTest Test class for JStringController. [Build-State]
JStringInflector Joomla Platform String Inflector Class [Build-State]
JStringInflectorTest Test for the JStringInflector class. [Build-State]
JStringNormalise Joomla Platform String Normalise Class [Build-State]
JStringNormaliseTest JStringNormaliseTest [Build-State]
JStringPunycode Joomla Platform String Punycode Class [Build-State]
JStringPunycodeTest Test class for JStringPunycode. [Build-State]
JStringTest Test class for JString. [Build-State]
JStringTest_DataSet JStringTest DataSet [Build-State]
JSubMenuHelper Utility class for the submenu. [Build-State]
JTable Abstract Table class [Build-State]
JTableAsset Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior. [Build-State]
JTableAssetTest Test class for JTableAsset. [Build-State]
JTableCategory Category table [Build-State]
JTableCategoryTest Test class for JTableCategory. [Build-State]
JTableContent Content table [Build-State]
JTableContentTest Test class for JTableContent. [Build-State]
JTableContenthistory Content History table. [Build-State]
JTableContenttype Tags table [Build-State]
JTableContenttypeTest Test class for JTableContenttype. [Build-State]
JTableCorecontent Core content table [Build-State]
JTableCorecontentTest Test class for JTableCorecontent. [Build-State]
JTableExtension Extension table Replaces plugins table [Build-State]
JTableExtensionTest Test class for JTableExtension. [Build-State]
JTableLanguage Languages table. [Build-State]
JTableLanguageTest Test class for JTableLanguage. [Build-State]
JTableMenu Menu table [Build-State]
JTableMenuTest Test class for JTableMenu. [Build-State]
JTableMenuType Menu Types table [Build-State]
JTableMenuTypeTest Test class for JTableMenuType. [Build-State]
JTableModule Module table [Build-State]
JTableModuleTest Test class for JTableMenuType. [Build-State]
JTableNested Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior. [Build-State]
JTableNestedTest Test class for JTableNested. [Build-State]
JTableObserver Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior. [Build-State]
JTableObserverContenthistory Table class supporting modified pre-order tree traversal behavior. [Build-State]
JTableObserverTags Abstract class defining methods that can be implemented by an Observer class of a JTable class (which is an Observable). [Build-State]
JTableSession Session table [Build-State]
JTableSessionTest Test class for JTableMenuType. [Build-State]
JTableTest Test class for JTable. [Build-State]
JTableUcm UCM map table [Build-State]
JTableUpdate Update table Stores updates temporarily [Build-State]
JTableUpdateTest Test class for JTableUpdate. [Build-State]
JTableUser Users table [Build-State]
JTableUserTest Test class for JTableUser. [Build-State]
JTableUsergroup Usergroup table class. [Build-State]
JTableUsergroupTest Test class for JTableUsergroup. [Build-State]
JTableViewlevel Viewlevels table class. [Build-State]
JTableViewlevelTest Test class for JTableViewlevel. [Build-State]
JText Text handling class. [Build-State]
JTextTest Test class for JText. [Build-State]
JToolbar ToolBar handler [Build-State]
JToolbarButton Button base class [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonConfirm Renders a standard button with a confirm dialog [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonConfirmTest Test class for JToolbarButtonConfirm. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonCustom Renders a custom button [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonCustomTest Test class for JToolbarButtonCustom. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonHelp Renders a help popup window button [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonHelpTest Test class for JToolbarButtonHelp. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonLink Renders a link button [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonLinkTest Test class for JToolbarButtonLink. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonPopup Renders a modal window button [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonPopupTest Test class for JToolbarButtonPopup. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonSeparator Renders a button separator [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonSeparatorTest Test class for JToolbarButtonSeparator. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonSlider Renders a button to render an HTML element in a slider container [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonSliderTest Test class for JToolbarButtonSlider. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonStandard Renders a standard button [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonStandardTest Test class for JToolbarButtonStandard. [Build-State]
JToolbarButtonTest Test class for JToolbarButton. [Build-State]
JToolbarHelper Utility class for the button bar. [Build-State]
JToolbarTest Test class for JToolbar. [Build-State]
JTree Tree Class. [Build-State]
JTwitter Joomla Platform class for interacting with a Twitter API instance. [Build-State]
JTwitterBlock Twitter API Block class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterBlockTest Test class for JTwitterBlock. [Build-State]
JTwitterDirectmessages Twitter API Direct Messages class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterDirectmessagesTest Test class for JTwitterFriends. [Build-State]
JTwitterFavorites Twitter API Favorites class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterFavoritesTest Test class for JTwitterFavorites. [Build-State]
JTwitterFriends Twitter API Friends class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterFriendsTest Test class for JTwitterFriends. [Build-State]
JTwitterHelp Twitter API Help class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterHelpTest Test class for JTwitterHelp. [Build-State]
JTwitterLists Twitter API Lists class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterListsTest Test class for JTwitterLists. [Build-State]
JTwitterOAuth Joomla Platform class for generating Twitter API access token. [Build-State]
JTwitterOauthTest Test class for JLinkedinOauth. [Build-State]
JTwitterObject Twitter API object class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterObjectMock No description available [Build-State]
JTwitterObjectTest Test class for JTwitterObject. [Build-State]
JTwitterPlaces Twitter API Places & Geo class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterPlacesTest Test class for JTwitterFriends. [Build-State]
JTwitterProfile Twitter API Profile class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterProfileTest Test class for JTwitterProfile. [Build-State]
JTwitterSearchTest Test class for JTwittersearch. [Build-State]
JTwitterStatuses Twitter API Statuses class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterStatusesTest Test class for JTwitterStatuses. [Build-State]
JTwitterTest Test class for JTwitter. [Build-State]
JTwitterTrends Twitter API Trends class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterTrendsTest Test class for JTwitterTrends. [Build-State]
JTwitterUsers Twitter API Users class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JTwitterUsersTest Test class for JTwitterUsers. [Build-State]
JTwittersearch Twitter API Search class for the Joomla Platform. [Build-State]
JUcmBase Base class for implementing UCM [Build-State]
JUcmBaseTest Test class for JUcmBase. [Build-State]
JUcmContent Base class for implementing UCM [Build-State]
JUcmContentTest Test class for JUcmContent. [Build-State]
JUcmType UCM Class for handling content types [Build-State]
JUcmTypeTest Test class for JUcmType. [Build-State]
JUpdate Update class. [Build-State]
JUpdateAdapter UpdateAdapter class. [Build-State]
JUpdater Updater Class [Build-State]
JUpdaterCollection Collection Update Adapter Class [Build-State]
JUpdaterExtension Extension class for updater [Build-State]
JUri JUri Class [Build-State]
JUriTest Test class for JUri. [Build-State]
JUser User class. Handles all application interaction with a user [Build-State]
JUserHelper Authorisation helper class, provides static methods to perform various tasks relevant to the Joomla user and authorisation classes [Build-State]
JUserHelperTest Test class for JUserHelper. [Build-State]
JUserTest Test class for JUser. [Build-State]
JUtility JUtility is a utility functions class [Build-State]
JUtilityTest Test class for JUtility. [Build-State]
JVersion Version information class for the Joomla CMS. [Build-State]
JVersionTest Test class for JVersion. [Build-State]
JViewBase Joomla Platform Base View Class [Build-State]
JViewBaseTest Tests for the JViewBase class. [Build-State]
JViewCategories Categories view base class. [Build-State]
JViewCategory Base HTML View class for the a Category list [Build-State]
JViewCategoryfeed Base feed View class for a category [Build-State]
JViewHtml Joomla Platform HTML View Class [Build-State]
JViewHtmlTest Tests for the JViewHtml class. [Build-State]
JViewLegacy Base class for a Joomla View [Build-State]
JViewLegacyTest Test class for JViewLegacy. [Build-State]
JWeb Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JApplicationWeb instead. [Build-State]
JWebClient Deprecated class placeholder. You should use JApplicationWebClient instead. [Build-State]
JWebClientInspector JWebClientInspector [Build-State]
JWebWrongConfig Test stub configuration class. [Build-State]
JXMLElement Wrapper class for php SimpleXMLElement. [Build-State]
JoomlaInstallerScript Script file of Joomla CMS [Build-State]
JoomlaWebdriverTestCase No description available [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Classes_InstantiateNewClassesSniff Ensures that new classes are instantiated without brackets if they do not have any parameters. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Classes_MemberVarScopeSniff Verifies that class members have scope modifiers. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Classes_MethodScopeSniff Verifies that class members have scope modifiers. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Commenting_ClassCommentSniff Parses and verifies the doc comments for classes. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Commenting_FileCommentSniff Parses and verifies the doc comments for files. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Commenting_FunctionCommentSniff Parses and verifies the doc comments for functions. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Commenting_SingleCommentSniff No description available [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ControlSignatureSniff Verifies that control statements conform to their coding standards. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ElseIfDeclarationSniff Squiz_Sniffs_ControlStructures_ElseIfDeclarationSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineControlStructureSniff Joomla_Sniffs_ControlStructures_InlineControlStructureSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_ControlStructures_MultiLineConditionSniff Joomla_Sniffs_ControlStructures_MultiLineConditionSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallSignatureSniff Joomla_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionCallSignatureSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationSniff Joomla_Sniffs_Functions_FunctionDeclarationSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_PHP_LowerCaseConstantSniff Generic_Sniffs_PHP_LowerCaseConstantSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_CastSpacingSniff Squiz_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_CastSpacingSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ConcatenationSpacingSniff Makes sure there are is a spaces between the concatenation operator <b>.</b> and the strings being concatenated. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_DisallowSpaceIndentSniff Generic_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_DisallowSpaceIndentSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_MemberVarSpacingSniff Verifies that class members are spaced correctly. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ObjectOperatorIndentSniff Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_ObjectOperatorIndentSniff. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_OperatorSpacingSniff Verifies that operators have valid spacing surrounding them. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_SemicolonSpacingSniff Ensure there is no whitespace before a semicolon <b>;</b>. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_SpaceAfterCastSniff Ensures there is no space after cast tokens. [Build-State]
Joomla_Sniffs_WhiteSpace_SuperfluousWhitespaceSniff Checks for whitespace. [Build-State]
JoomlaupdateController Joomla! Update Controller [Build-State]
JoomlaupdateControllerUpdate The Joomla! update controller for the Update view [Build-State]
JoomlaupdateHelper Joomla! update helper. [Build-State]
JoomlaupdateHelperSelect Joomla! update selection list helper. [Build-State]
JoomlaupdateModelDefault Joomla! update overview Model [Build-State]
JoomlaupdateViewDefault Joomla! Update's Default View [Build-State]
JoomlaupdateViewUpdate Joomla! Update's Update View [Build-State]
KeychainManager Keychain Manager [Build-State]
Language0001Test No description available [Build-State]
Language0002Test No description available [Build-State]
LanguageEditPage Page class for the back-end menu Language manager screen. [Build-State]
LanguageManager0001Test This class tests the Language: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
LanguageManager0002Test This class tests the Language: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
LanguageManagerPage Page class for the back-end component tags menu. [Build-State]
LanguagesController Languages Controller [Build-State]
LanguagesControllerInstalled Languages Controller [Build-State]
LanguagesControllerLanguage Languages list actions controller. [Build-State]
LanguagesControllerLanguages No description available [Build-State]
LanguagesControllerOverride Languages Override Controller [Build-State]
LanguagesControllerOverrides Languages Overrides Controller [Build-State]
LanguagesControllerStrings Languages Strings JSON Controller [Build-State]
LanguagesHelper Languages component helper. [Build-State]
LanguagesModelInstalled Languages Component Languages Model [Build-State]
LanguagesModelLanguage Languages Component Language Model [Build-State]
LanguagesModelLanguages Languages Model Class [Build-State]
LanguagesModelOverride Languages Override Model [Build-State]
LanguagesModelOverrides Languages Overrides Model [Build-State]
LanguagesModelStrings Languages Strings Model [Build-State]
LanguagesViewInstalled Displays a list of the installed languages. [Build-State]
LanguagesViewLanguage HTML View class for the Languages component [Build-State]
LanguagesViewLanguages HTML Languages View class for the Languages component [Build-State]
LanguagesViewMultilangstatus Displays the multilang status. [Build-State]
LanguagesViewOverride View to edit an language override [Build-State]
LanguagesViewOverrides View for language overrides list [Build-State]
LevelEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
LevelManager0001Test This class tests the Manager: Add / Edit Screen [Build-State]
LevelManagerPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
LogException Exception class definition for the Log subpackage. [Build-State]
LoginController Login Controller [Build-State]
LoginModelLogin Login Model [Build-State]
LoginViewLogin HTML View class for the Login component [Build-State]
MailtoController No description available [Build-State]
MailtoHelper No description available [Build-State]
MailtoViewMailto No description available [Build-State]
MailtoViewSent No description available [Build-State]
MediaController Media Manager Component Controller [Build-State]
MediaControllerFile File Media Controller [Build-State]
MediaControllerFolder Folder Media Controller [Build-State]
MediaHelper No description available [Build-State]
MediaModelList Media Component List Model [Build-State]
MediaModelManager Media Component Manager Model [Build-State]
MediaViewImages HTML View class for the Media component [Build-State]
MediaViewImagesList HTML View class for the Media component [Build-State]
MediaViewMedia HTML View class for the Media component [Build-State]
MediaViewMediaList Mockup MediaViewMediaList class [Build-State]
MediaViewMediaListItemsHtml Mockup MediaViewMediaListItemsHtml class [Build-State]
MediawikiCli Utility CLI to retrieve the list of help screens from the docs wiki and create an index for the admin help view [Build-State]
Menu0001 No description available [Build-State]
Menu0002 No description available [Build-State]
MenuEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
MenuItemEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
MenuItemsManager0001Test This class tests the Manager: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
MenuItemsManagerPage Page class for the back-end menu items manager screen. [Build-State]
MenuManager0001Test This class tests the Manager: Add / Edit Screen [Build-State]
MenuManagerPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
MenusController Base controller class for Menu Manager. [Build-State]
MenusControllerItem The Menu Item Controller [Build-State]
MenusControllerItems The Menu Item Controller [Build-State]
MenusControllerMenu The Menu Type Controller [Build-State]
MenusControllerMenus The Menu List Controller [Build-State]
MenusHelper Menus component helper. [Build-State]
MenusHtmlMenus No description available [Build-State]
MenusModelItem Menu Item Model for Menus. [Build-State]
MenusModelItems Menu Item List Model for Menus. [Build-State]
MenusModelMenu Menu Item Model for Menus. [Build-State]
MenusModelMenus Menu List Model for Menus. [Build-State]
MenusModelMenutypes Menu Item Types Model for Menus. [Build-State]
MenusTableMenu Menu table [Build-State]
MenusViewItem The HTML Menus Menu Item View. [Build-State]
MenusViewItems The HTML Menus Menu Items View. [Build-State]
MenusViewMenu The HTML Menus Menu Item View. [Build-State]
MenusViewMenus The HTML Menus Menu Menus View. [Build-State]
MenusViewMenutypes The HTML Menus Menu Item TYpes View. [Build-State]
MessagesController Messages master display controller. [Build-State]
MessagesControllerConfig Messages Component Message Model [Build-State]
MessagesControllerMessage Messages Component Message Model [Build-State]
MessagesControllerMessages Messages list controller class. [Build-State]
MessagesHelper No description available [Build-State]
MessagesModelConfig Message configuration model. [Build-State]
MessagesModelMessage Private Message model. [Build-State]
MessagesModelMessages Messages Component Messages Model [Build-State]
MessagesTableMessage Message Table class [Build-State]
MessagesViewConfig View to edit messages user configuration. [Build-State]
MessagesViewMessage HTML View class for the Messages component [Build-State]
MessagesViewMessages View class for a list of messages. [Build-State]
MincesControllerMince Stub for testing the JControllerForm class. [Build-State]
MiniesControllerMiny Stub for testing the JControllerForm class. [Build-State]
MintsControllerMint Stub for testing the JControllerForm class. [Build-State]
ModArchiveHelper Helper for mod_articles_archive [Build-State]
ModArticlesCategoriesHelper Helper for mod_articles_categories [Build-State]
ModArticlesCategoryHelper Helper for mod_articles_category [Build-State]
ModArticlesLatestHelper Helper for mod_articles_latest [Build-State]
ModArticlesNewsHelper Helper for mod_articles_news [Build-State]
ModArticlesPopularHelper Helper for mod_articles_popular [Build-State]
ModBannersHelper Helper for mod_banners [Build-State]
ModBreadCrumbsHelper Helper for mod_breadcrumbs [Build-State]
ModFeedHelper Helper for mod_feed [Build-State]
ModFinderHelper Finder module helper. [Build-State]
ModLanguagesHelper Helper for mod_languages [Build-State]
ModLatestHelper Helper for mod_latest [Build-State]
ModLoggedHelper Helper for mod_logged [Build-State]
ModLoginHelper Helper for mod_login [Build-State]
ModMenuHelper Helper for mod_menu [Build-State]
ModPopularHelper Helper for mod_popular [Build-State]
ModQuickIconHelper Helper for mod_quickicon [Build-State]
ModRandomImageHelper Helper for mod_random_image [Build-State]
ModRelatedItemsHelper Helper for mod_related_items [Build-State]
ModSearchHelper Helper for mod_search [Build-State]
ModStatsHelper Helper class for admin stats module [Build-State]
ModSyndicateHelper Helper for mod_syndicate [Build-State]
ModTagsPopularHelper Helper for mod_tags_popular [Build-State]
ModTagssimilarHelper Helper for mod_tags_popular [Build-State]
ModUsersLatestHelper Helper for mod_users_latest [Build-State]
ModVersionHelper Helper for mod_version [Build-State]
ModWeblinksHelper Helper for mod_weblinks [Build-State]
ModWhosonlineHelper Helper for mod_whosonline [Build-State]
ModWrapperHelper Helper for mod_wrapper [Build-State]
ModelMockupJView Mockup object to test Model handling in JView [Build-State]
Module0001 No description available [Build-State]
Module0002 No description available [Build-State]
ModuleEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
ModuleManager0001Test This class tests the Module Manager: Add / Edit Module Screen [Build-State]
ModuleManagerPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
ModulesController Modules manager master display controller. [Build-State]
ModulesControllerModule Module controller class. [Build-State]
ModulesControllerModules Modules list controller class. [Build-State]
ModulesHelper Modules component helper. [Build-State]
ModulesHelperXML Helper for parse XML module files [Build-State]
ModulesModelModule Module model. [Build-State]
ModulesModelModules Modules Component Module Model [Build-State]
ModulesModelPositions Modules Component Positions Model [Build-State]
ModulesModelSelect Module model. [Build-State]
ModulesViewModule View to edit a module. [Build-State]
ModulesViewModules View class for a list of modules. [Build-State]
ModulesViewPositions No description available [Build-State]
ModulesViewPreview HTML View class for the Modules component [Build-State]
ModulesViewSelect HTML View class for the Modules component [Build-State]
MultilangstatusHelper Multilang status helper. [Build-State]
MyTestControllerBaz Test stub non-controller. [Build-State]
MyTestControllerFoo Test stub controller. [Build-State]
NestedTable NestedTable class. [Build-State]
Net_IDNA_php4 Adapter class for aligning the API of idna_convert with that of Net_IDNA [Build-State]
NewsFeedEditPage Page class for the back-end menu Newsfeed manager screen. [Build-State]
NewsFeedManager0001Test This class tests the Tags: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
NewsFeedManager0002Test This class tests the News Feeds: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
NewsFeedManagerPage Page class for the back-end component newsfeed menu. [Build-State]
NewsfeedsCategories Content Component Category Tree [Build-State]
NewsfeedsController Newsfeeds Component Controller [Build-State]
NewsfeedsControllerNewsfeed Newsfeed controller class. [Build-State]
NewsfeedsControllerNewsfeeds Newsfeeds list controller class. [Build-State]
NewsfeedsHelper Newsfeeds component helper. [Build-State]
NewsfeedsHelperAssociation Newsfeeds Component Association Helper [Build-State]
NewsfeedsHelperRoute Newsfeeds Component Route Helper [Build-State]
NewsfeedsModelCategories This models supports retrieving lists of newsfeed categories. [Build-State]
NewsfeedsModelCategory Newsfeeds Component Category Model [Build-State]
NewsfeedsModelNewsfeed Newsfeeds Component Newsfeed Model [Build-State]
NewsfeedsModelNewsfeeds Methods supporting a list of newsfeed records. [Build-State]
NewsfeedsTableNewsfeed No description available [Build-State]
NewsfeedsViewCategories Content categories view. [Build-State]
NewsfeedsViewCategory HTML View class for the Newsfeeds component [Build-State]
NewsfeedsViewNewsfeed HTML View class for the Newsfeeds component [Build-State]
NewsfeedsViewNewsfeeds View class for a list of newsfeeds. [Build-State]
NomodelInName Stub to test JModelLegacy. [Build-State]
PHPMailer PHP email creation and transport class [Build-State]
POP3 PHP POP-Before-SMTP Authentication Class [Build-State]
PasswordHash No description available [Build-State]
PlgAuthenticationCookie Joomla Authentication plugin [Build-State]
PlgAuthenticationFake A mock user authentication plugin. [Build-State]
PlgAuthenticationGMail GMail Authentication Plugin [Build-State]
PlgAuthenticationJoomla Joomla Authentication plugin [Build-State]
PlgAuthenticationLdap LDAP Authentication Plugin [Build-State]
PlgButtonArticle Editor Article buton [Build-State]
PlgButtonImage Editor Image buton [Build-State]
PlgButtonPagebreak Editor Pagebreak buton [Build-State]
PlgButtonReadmore Editor Readmore buton [Build-State]
PlgCaptchaRecaptcha Recaptcha Plugin. [Build-State]
PlgContentContact Contact Plugin [Build-State]
PlgContentEmailcloak Email cloack plugin class. [Build-State]
PlgContentFinder Finder Content Plugin [Build-State]
PlgContentJoomla Example Content Plugin [Build-State]
PlgContentLoadmodule Plug-in to enable loading modules into content (e.g. articles) This uses the {loadmodule} syntax [Build-State]
PlgContentPagebreak Page break plugin [Build-State]
PlgContentPagenavigation Pagenavigation plugin class. [Build-State]
PlgContentVote Vote plugin. [Build-State]
PlgEditorCodemirror CodeMirror Editor Plugin. [Build-State]
PlgEditorNone Plain Textarea Editor Plugin [Build-State]
PlgEditorTinymce TinyMCE Editor Plugin [Build-State]
PlgExtensionJoomla Joomla! master extension plugin. [Build-State]
PlgFinderCategories Finder adapter for Joomla Categories. [Build-State]
PlgFinderContacts Finder adapter for Joomla Contacts. [Build-State]
PlgFinderContent Finder adapter for com_content. [Build-State]
PlgFinderNewsfeeds Finder adapter for Joomla Newsfeeds. [Build-State]
PlgFinderTags Finder adapter for Joomla Tag. [Build-State]
PlgFinderWeblinks Finder adapter for Joomla Web Links. [Build-State]
PlgQuickiconExtensionupdate Joomla! udpate notification plugin [Build-State]
PlgQuickiconJoomlaupdate Joomla! udpate notification plugin [Build-State]
PlgSearchCategories Categories Search plugin [Build-State]
PlgSearchContacts Contacts Search plugin [Build-State]
PlgSearchContent Content Search plugin [Build-State]
PlgSearchNewsfeeds Newsfeeds Search plugin [Build-State]
PlgSearchWeblinks Weblinks Search plugin [Build-State]
PlgSystemBase Stub plugin class for unit testing [Build-State]
PlgSystemCache Joomla! Page Cache Plugin [Build-State]
PlgSystemDebug Joomla! Debug plugin [Build-State]
PlgSystemHighlight System plugin to highlight terms. [Build-State]
PlgSystemJoomla Stub plugin class for unit testing [Build-State]
PlgSystemLanguageFilter Joomla! Language Filter Plugin [Build-State]
PlgSystemLanguagecode Language Code plugin class. [Build-State]
PlgSystemLog Joomla! System Logging Plugin [Build-State]
PlgSystemLogout Plugin class for logout redirect handling. [Build-State]
PlgSystemP3p Joomla! P3P Header Plugin [Build-State]
PlgSystemPrivate Stub plugin class for unit testing [Build-State]
PlgSystemRedirect Plugin class for redirect handling. [Build-State]
PlgSystemRemember Joomla! System Remember Me Plugin [Build-State]
PlgSystemSef Joomla! SEF Plugin [Build-State]
PlgTwofactorauthTotp Joomla! Two Factor Authentication using Google Authenticator TOTP Plugin [Build-State]
PlgTwofactorauthYubikey Joomla! Two Factor Authentication using Yubikey Plugin [Build-State]
PlgUserContactCreator Class for Contact Creator [Build-State]
PlgUserJoomla Joomla User plugin [Build-State]
PlgUserProfile An example custom profile plugin. [Build-State]
PluginEditPage Page class for the back-end menu Plugin manager screen. [Build-State]
PluginManager0001Test This class tests the Plugin Manager: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
PluginManagerPage Page class for the back-end component plugin menu. [Build-State]
PluginsController Plugins master display controller. [Build-State]
PluginsControllerPlugin Plugin controller class. [Build-State]
PluginsControllerPlugins Plugins list controller class. [Build-State]
PluginsHelper Plugins component helper. [Build-State]
PluginsModelPlugin Plugin model. [Build-State]
PluginsModelPlugins Methods supporting a list of plugin records. [Build-State]
PluginsViewPlugin View to edit a plugin. [Build-State]
PluginsViewPlugins View class for a list of plugins. [Build-State]
PostinstallControllerMessage No description available [Build-State]
PostinstallModelMessages Model class to manage postinstall messages [Build-State]
PostinstallPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
PostinstallToolbar The Toolbar class renders the component title area and the toolbar. [Build-State]
PostinstallViewMessages Model class to display postinstall messages [Build-State]
Redirect0001Test No description available [Build-State]
RedirectController Redirect master display controller. [Build-State]
RedirectControllerLink Redirect link controller class. [Build-State]
RedirectControllerLinks Redirect link list controller class. [Build-State]
RedirectEditPage Page class for the back-end menu Redirect manager screen. [Build-State]
RedirectHelper Redirect component helper. [Build-State]
RedirectManager0001Test This class tests the Redirect: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
RedirectManager0002Test This class tests the Redirect: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
RedirectManagerPage Page class for the back-end component newsfeed menu. [Build-State]
RedirectModelLink Redirect link model. [Build-State]
RedirectModelLinks Methods supporting a list of redirect links. [Build-State]
RedirectTableLink Link Table for Redirect. [Build-State]
RedirectViewLink View to edit a redirect link. [Build-State]
RedirectViewLinks View class for a list of redirection links. [Build-State]
RemodelModelRoom Stub to test JModelLegacy. [Build-State]
RestorationObserver No description available [Build-State]
RuntimeException No description available [Build-State]
SMTP PHP RFC821 SMTP client [Build-State]
SampleData0001 No description available [Build-State]
SearchController Search Component Controller [Build-State]
SearchControllerSearches Methods supporting a list of search terms. [Build-State]
SearchHelper Search component helper. [Build-State]
SearchModelSearch Search Component Search Model [Build-State]
SearchModelSearches Methods supporting a list of search terms. [Build-State]
SearchViewSearch HTML View class for the search component [Build-State]
SearchViewSearches View class for a list of search terms. [Build-State]
Security0001Test No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumClientAutoLoader No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumJoomlaTestCase No description available [Build-State]
SimpleXMLElement No description available [Build-State]
SiteArchivedArticlesPage Page class for Front End Archived Articles [Build-State]
SiteConfigurationConfigPage Home Page Class [Build-State]
SiteConfigurationTemplatePage Home Page Class [Build-State]
SiteContentCategoriesPage Home Page Class [Build-State]
SiteContentEditPage Home Page Class [Build-State]
SiteContentFeaturedPage Home Page Class [Build-State]
SiteLoginPage Page class for front end login page [Build-State]
SitePage No description available [Build-State]
SiteSingleArticlePage Getting Started Front End Page Class [Build-State]
StubModelFoobar Stub to test JModelLegacy. [Build-State]
TControllerBar Test stub controller. [Build-State]
TableDbTestComposite DbTestComposite table connector class. [Build-State]
TagEditPage Page class for the back-end menu items manager screen. [Build-State]
TagManager0001Test This class tests the Tags: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
TagManager0002Test This class tests the Tags: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
TagManagerPage Page class for the back-end component tags menu. [Build-State]
TagsController Tags Component Controller [Build-State]
TagsControllerTag The Tag Controller [Build-State]
TagsControllerTags The Tags List Controller [Build-State]
TagsHelper Tags helper. [Build-State]
TagsHelperRoute Tags Component Route Helper [Build-State]
TagsModelTag Tags Component Tag Model [Build-State]
TagsModelTags This models supports retrieving a list of tags. [Build-State]
TagsTableTag Tags table [Build-State]
TagsViewTag HTML View class for the Tags component [Build-State]
TagsViewTags HTML View class for the Tags component [Build-State]
TemplateEditPage Page class for the back-end menu Template manager screen. [Build-State]
TemplateFrontEnd0001Test No description available [Build-State]
TemplateFrontEnd0002Test No description available [Build-State]
TemplateHelper Template Helper class. [Build-State]
TemplateManager0001Test This class tests the Template Manager: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
TemplateManagerPage Page class for the back-end component Template menu. [Build-State]
TemplatesController Templates manager master display controller. [Build-State]
TemplatesControllerStyle Template style controller class. [Build-State]
TemplatesControllerStyles Template styles list controller class. [Build-State]
TemplatesControllerTemplate Template style controller class. [Build-State]
TemplatesHelper Templates component helper. [Build-State]
TemplatesModelStyle Template style model. [Build-State]
TemplatesModelStyles Methods supporting a list of template style records. [Build-State]
TemplatesModelTemplate Template model class. [Build-State]
TemplatesModelTemplates Methods supporting a list of template extension records. [Build-State]
TemplatesTableStyle Template style table class. [Build-State]
TemplatesViewStyle View to edit a template style. [Build-State]
TemplatesViewStyles View class for a list of template styles. [Build-State]
TemplatesViewTemplate View to edit a template style. [Build-State]
TemplatesViewTemplates View class for a list of template styles. [Build-State]
TestCallbackController A testCallbackController test class. [Build-State]
TestCase Abstract test case class for unit testing. [Build-State]
TestCaseDatabase Abstract test case class for database testing. [Build-State]
TestCaseDatabaseMysql Abstract test case class for MySQL database testing. [Build-State]
TestCaseDatabaseMysqli Abstract test case class for MySQLi database testing. [Build-State]
TestCaseDatabaseOracle Abstract test case class for Oracle database testing. [Build-State]
TestCaseDatabasePostgresql Abstract test case class for PostgreSQL database testing. [Build-State]
TestCaseDatabaseSqlsrv Abstract test case class for Microsoft SQL Server database testing. [Build-State]
TestController Stub for testing the JControllerLegacy class. [Build-State]
TestMockApplication Class to mock JApplication. [Build-State]
TestMockApplicationCli Class to mock JApplicationCli. [Build-State]
TestMockApplicationCms Class to mock JApplicationCms. [Build-State]
TestMockApplicationWeb Class to mock JApplicationBase. [Build-State]
TestMockCache Class to mock JCache. [Build-State]
TestMockConfig Class to mock JConfig. [Build-State]
TestMockController Class to mock JController. [Build-State]
TestMockDatabaseDriver Class to mock JDatabaseDriver. [Build-State]
TestMockDatabaseQuery Class to mock JDatabaseQuery. [Build-State]
TestMockDispatcher Class to mock JEventDispatcher. [Build-State]
TestMockDocument Class to mock JDocument. [Build-State]
TestMockLanguage Class to mock JLanguage. [Build-State]
TestMockRules Class to mock JRules. [Build-State]
TestMockSession Class to mock JSession. [Build-State]
TestModelLead Stub to test JModelLegacy. [Build-State]
TestReflection Reflection helper class. [Build-State]
TestSuite No description available [Build-State]
TestTestController Stub for testing the JControllerLegacy class. [Build-State]
TestTestadapter Test adapter class. [Build-State]
TestTestadapter3 Test adapter class. [Build-State]
TestTestadapter4 Test adapter class. [Build-State]
Testing_Selenium Defines an object that runs Selenium commands. [Build-State]
Testing_Selenium_Exception Testing_Selenium_Exception [Build-State]
Updatecron This script will fetch the update information for all extensions and store them in the database, speeding up your administrator. [Build-State]
User0001Test No description available [Build-State]
User0002Test No description available [Build-State]
UserEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
UserManager0001Test This class tests the User Manager: Add / Edit User Screen [Build-State]
UserManager0002Test This class tests the User Manager: Add / Edit User Screen [Build-State]
UserManagerPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
UserNotesEditPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
UserNotesManager0001Test This class tests the Manager: Add / Edit Screen [Build-State]
UserNotesManagerPage Class for the back-end control panel screen. [Build-State]
UsersController Base controller class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersControllerGroup User view level controller class. [Build-State]
UsersControllerGroups User groups list controller class. [Build-State]
UsersControllerLevel User view level controller class. [Build-State]
UsersControllerLevels User view levels list controller class. [Build-State]
UsersControllerMail Users mail controller. [Build-State]
UsersControllerNote User note controller class. [Build-State]
UsersControllerNotes User notes controller class. [Build-State]
UsersControllerProfile Profile controller class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersControllerRegistration Registration controller class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersControllerRemind Reset controller class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersControllerReset Reset controller class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersControllerUser Registration controller class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersControllerUsers Users list controller class. [Build-State]
UsersHelper Users component helper. [Build-State]
UsersHelperDebug Users component debugging helper. [Build-State]
UsersHelperRoute Users Route Helper [Build-State]
UsersModelDebugUser Methods supporting a list of user records. [Build-State]
UsersModelDebuggroup Methods supporting a list of user records. [Build-State]
UsersModelGroup User group model. [Build-State]
UsersModelGroups Methods supporting a list of user group records. [Build-State]
UsersModelLevel User view level model. [Build-State]
UsersModelLevels Methods supporting a list of user access level records. [Build-State]
UsersModelLogin Rest model class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersModelMail Users mail model. [Build-State]
UsersModelNote User note model. [Build-State]
UsersModelNotes User notes model class. [Build-State]
UsersModelProfile Profile model class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersModelRegistration Registration model class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersModelRemind Remind model class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersModelReset Rest model class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersModelUser User model. [Build-State]
UsersModelUsers Methods supporting a list of user records. [Build-State]
UsersTableNote User notes table class [Build-State]
UsersViewDebuggroup View class for a list of users. [Build-State]
UsersViewDebuguser View class for a list of users. [Build-State]
UsersViewGroup View to edit a user group. [Build-State]
UsersViewGroups View class for a list of user groups. [Build-State]
UsersViewLevel View to edit a user view level. [Build-State]
UsersViewLevels The HTML Users access levels view. [Build-State]
UsersViewLogin Login view class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersViewMail Users mail view. [Build-State]
UsersViewNote User note edit view [Build-State]
UsersViewNotes User notes list view [Build-State]
UsersViewProfile Profile view class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersViewRegistration Registration view class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersViewRemind Registration view class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersViewReset Reset view class for Users. [Build-State]
UsersViewUser No description available [Build-State]
UsersViewUsers View class for a list of users. [Build-State]
WeblinkEditPage Page class for the back-end menu items manager screen. [Build-State]
WeblinkManager0001Test This class tests the Weblink: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
WeblinkManager0002Test This class tests the Weblinks: Add / Edit Screen. [Build-State]
WeblinkManagerPage Page class for the back-end component weblink menu. [Build-State]
WeblinksCategories Weblinks Component Category Tree [Build-State]
WeblinksController Weblinks Component Controller [Build-State]
WeblinksControllerWeblink No description available [Build-State]
WeblinksControllerWeblinks Weblinks list controller class. [Build-State]
WeblinksHelper Weblinks helper. [Build-State]
WeblinksHelperAssociation Weblinks Component Association Helper [Build-State]
WeblinksHelperRoute Weblinks Component Route Helper [Build-State]
WeblinksModelCategories This models supports retrieving lists of article categories. [Build-State]
WeblinksModelCategory Weblinks Component Weblink Model [Build-State]
WeblinksModelForm Weblinks model. [Build-State]
WeblinksModelWeblink Weblinks Component Model for a Weblink record [Build-State]
WeblinksModelWeblinks Methods supporting a list of weblink records. [Build-State]
WeblinksTableWeblink Weblink Table class [Build-State]
WeblinksViewCategories Content categories view. [Build-State]
WeblinksViewCategory HTML View class for the WebLinks component [Build-State]
WeblinksViewForm HTML Article View class for the Weblinks component [Build-State]
WeblinksViewWeblink HTML View class for the WebLinks component [Build-State]
WeblinksViewWeblinks View class for a list of weblinks. [Build-State]
WikihelpTest No description available [Build-State]
WrapperController Content Component Controller [Build-State]
WrapperViewWrapper No description available [Build-State]
idna_convert Encode/decode Internationalized Domain Names. [Build-State]
phpmailerException Exception handler for PHPMailer [Build-State]
uctc UCTC - The Unicode Transcoder [Build-State]
version_test Modififations Open Source Matters 2013 CMS version 3.2 [Build-State]


Name Description
CodeHelper No description available [Build-State]
TestHelper No description available [Build-State]
WebHelper No description available [Build-State]


Name Description
Container The Container class. [Build-State]


Name Description
DependencyResolutionException No description available [Build-State]


Name Description
Alert No description available [Build-State]
BrowserType No description available [Build-State]
By No description available [Build-State]
CapabilityType No description available [Build-State]
Cookie No description available [Build-State]
DesiredCapabilities No description available [Build-State]
DirectoryNotFoundException No description available [Build-State]
EmptyValueException No description available [Build-State]
FileNotFoundException No description available [Build-State]
NotBooleanException No description available [Build-State]
NotIntException No description available [Build-State]
NotStringException No description available [Build-State]
PlatformType No description available [Build-State]
SelectElement No description available [Build-State]
TargetLocator No description available [Build-State]
WebDriver No description available [Build-State]
WebDriverWait No description available [Build-State]
WebDriverWaitTimeoutException No description available [Build-State]
WebElement No description available [Build-State]


Name Description
HttpClient No description available [Build-State]
HttpFactory No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumAdapter No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumElementIsNotSelectableException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumElementNotVisibleException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumFailedCommandException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumIMEEngineActivationFailedException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumIMENotAvailableException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumInvalidCommandMethodException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumInvalidCookieDomainException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumInvalidElementCoordinatesException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumInvalidElementStateException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumInvalidRequestException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumInvalidSelectorException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumJavaScriptErrorException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumMissingCommandParametersException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumNoAlertOpenErrorException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumNoSuchElementException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumNoSuchFrameException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumNoSuchWindowException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumScriptTimeoutException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumStaleElementReferenceException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumTimeoutException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumUnableToSetCookieException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumUnexpectedAlertOpenException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumUnimplementedCommandException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumUnknownCommandException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumUnknownErrorException No description available [Build-State]
SeleniumXPathLookupErrorException No description available [Build-State]