Utility class for all HTML drawing classes
class JHtml
- // members
- public $formatOptions;
- protected $includePaths;
- protected $registry;
- // methods
- protected static array extract()
- public static mixed _()
- public static boolean register()
- public static boolean unregister()
- public static boolean isRegistered()
- protected static mixed call()
- public static string link()
- public static string iframe()
- protected static array includeRelativeFiles()
- public static string image()
- public static mixed stylesheet()
- public static mixed script()
- public static void setFormatOptions()
- public static string date()
- public static string tooltip()
- public static string tooltipText()
- public static string calendar()
- public static array addIncludePath()
- public static string getJSObject()
- $includePaths
An array to hold included paths - $registry
An array to hold method references
- $formatOptions
Option values related to the generation of HTML output. Recognized options are: fmtDepth, integer. The current indent depth.
- call() — Function caller method
- extract() — Method to extract a key
- includeRelativeFiles() — Compute the files to be included
- _() — Class loader method
- addIncludePath() — Add a directory where JHtml should search for helpers. You may either pass a string or an array of directories.
- calendar() — Displays a calendar control field
- date() — Returns formated date according to a given format and time zone.
- getJSObject() — Internal method to get a JavaScript object notation string from an array
- iframe() — Write a <iframe></iframe> element
- image() — Write a <img></img> element
- isRegistered() — Test if the key is registered.
- link() — Write a <a></a> element
- register() — Registers a function to be called with a specific key
- script() — Write a <script></script> element
- setFormatOptions() — Set format related options.
- stylesheet() — Write a <link rel="stylesheet" style="text/css" /> element
- tooltip() — Creates a tooltip with an image as button
- tooltipText() — Converts a double colon seperated string or 2 separate strings to a string ready for bootstrap tooltips
- unregister() — Removes a key for a method from registry.