Modules component helper.
class ModulesHelper
- // methods
- public static void addSubmenu()
- public static JObject getActions()
- public static array getStateOptions()
- public static array getClientOptions()
- public static array getPositions()
- public static array getTemplates()
- public static array getModules()
- public static array getAssignmentOptions()
- public static string getTranslatedModulePosition()
- public static boolean isTranslatedText()
- public static createOption()
- public static array createOptionGroup()
- createOption() — Create and return a new Option
- createOptionGroup() — Create and return a new Option Group
- getActions() — Gets a list of the actions that can be performed.
- getAssignmentOptions() — Get a list of the assignment options for modules to menus.
- getClientOptions() — Get a list of filter options for the application clients.
- getModules() — Get a list of the unique modules installed in the client application.
- getPositions() — Get a list of modules positions
- getStateOptions() — Get a list of filter options for the state of a module.
- getTemplates() — Return a list of templates
- getTranslatedModulePosition() — Return a translated module position name
- isTranslatedText() — Check if the string was translated