RESTful Web application router class for the Joomla Platform.
class JApplicationWebRouterRest
extends JApplicationWebRouterBase
- // members
- protected $methodInPostRequest;
- protected $suffixMap;
- // Inherited members from JApplicationWebRouterBase
- protected $maps;
- // Inherited members from JApplicationWebRouter
- protected JApplicationWeb $app;
- protected $default;
- protected $controllerPrefix;
- protected JInput $input;
- // methods
- public void execute()
- public JApplicationWebRouter setHttpMethodSuffix()
- public void setMethodInPostRequest()
- public boolean isMethodInPostRequest()
- protected string fetchControllerSuffix()
- // Inherited methods from JApplicationWebRouterBase
- public JApplicationWebRouter addMap()
- public JApplicationWebRouter addMaps()
- protected string parseRoute()
- // Inherited methods from JApplicationWebRouter
- public void __construct()
- public mixed execute()
- public JApplicationWebRouter setControllerPrefix()
- public JApplicationWebRouter setDefaultController()
- protected abstract string parseRoute()
- protected JController fetchController()
- $app — JApplicationWeb
- $controllerPrefix — string
- $default — string
- $input — JInput
- $maps — array
- $methodInPostRequest — boolean
- $suffixMap — array
- fetchControllerSuffix() — Get the controller class suffix string.
- execute() — Find and execute the appropriate controller based on a given route.
- isMethodInPostRequest() — Get the property to allow or not method in POST request
- setHttpMethodSuffix() — Set a controller class suffix for a given HTTP method.
- setMethodInPostRequest() — Set to allow or not method in POST request
Inherited from JApplicationWebRouterBase
- parseRoute() — Parse the given route and return the name of a controller mapped to the given route.
- addMap() — Add a route map to the router. If the pattern already exists it will be overwritten.
- addMaps() — Add a route map to the router. If the pattern already exists it will be overwritten.
Inherited from JApplicationWebRouter
- fetchController() — Get a JController object for a given name.
- parseRoute() — Parse the given route and return the name of a controller mapped to the given route.
- execute() — Find and execute the appropriate controller based on a given route.
- setControllerPrefix() — Set the controller name prefix.
- setDefaultController() — Set the default controller name.