FrameworkOnFramework table behavior class for tags
class FOFTableBehaviorTags
extends FOFTableBehavior
- // Inherited members from JEvent
- protected $_subject;
- // Inherited members from JObject
- protected $_errors;
- // methods
- public boolean onAfterBind()
- public boolean onBeforeStore()
- public boolean onAfterDelete()
- protected void checkContentType()
- protected string getUcmCoreAlias()
- // Inherited methods from FOFTableBehavior
- public boolean onBeforeBind()
- public boolean onAfterBind()
- public void onAfterLoad()
- public boolean onBeforeStore()
- public boolean onAfterStore()
- public boolean onBeforeMove()
- public boolean onAfterMove()
- public boolean onBeforeReorder()
- public boolean onAfterReorder()
- public boolean onBeforeDelete()
- public boolean onAfterDelete()
- public boolean onBeforeHit()
- public boolean onAfterHit()
- public boolean onBeforeCopy()
- public boolean onAfterCopy()
- public boolean onBeforePublish()
- public boolean onAfterReset()
- public boolean onBeforeReset()
- // Inherited methods from JEvent
- public void __construct()
- public mixed update()
- // Inherited methods from JObject
- public void __construct()
- public string __toString()
- public mixed def()
- public mixed get()
- public array getProperties()
- public string getError()
- public array getErrors()
- public mixed set()
- public boolean setProperties()
- public void setError()
Line | Task |
46 | This little guy here fails because JHelperTags |
75 | JHelperTags sucks in Joomla! 3.1, it requires that tags are |
- checkContentType() — Check if a UCM content type exists for this resource, and create it if it does not
- getUcmCoreAlias() — Utility methods that fetches the column name for the field.
- onAfterBind() — The event which runs after binding data to the table
- onAfterDelete() — The event which runs after deleting a record
- onBeforeStore() — The event which runs before storing (saving) data to the database
Inherited from FOFTableBehavior
- onAfterBind() — The event which runs after binding data to the table
- onAfterCopy() — The even which runs after copying a record
- onAfterDelete() — The event which runs after deleting a record
- onAfterHit() — The event which runs after hitting a record
- onAfterLoad() — The event which runs after loading a record from the database
- onAfterMove() — The event which runs after moving a record
- onAfterReorder() — The event which runs after reordering a table
- onAfterReset() — The event which runs after the object is reset to its default values.
- onAfterStore() — The event which runs after storing (saving) data to the database
- onBeforeBind() — This event runs before binding data to the table
- onBeforeCopy() — The even which runs before copying a record
- onBeforeDelete() — The event which runs before deleting a record
- onBeforeHit() — The event which runs before hitting a record
- onBeforeMove() — The event which runs before moving a record
- onBeforePublish() — The event which runs before a record is (un)published
- onBeforeReorder() — The event which runs before reordering a table
- onBeforeReset() — The even which runs before the object is reset to its default values.
- onBeforeStore() — The event which runs before storing (saving) data to the database
Inherited from JEvent
- update() — Method to trigger events.
Inherited from JObject
- __toString() — Magic method to convert the object to a string gracefully.
- def() — Sets a default value if not alreay assigned
- get() — Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set.
- getError() — Get the most recent error message.
- getErrors() — Return all errors, if any.
- getProperties() — Returns an associative array of object properties.
- set() — Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist.
- setError() — Add an error message.
- setProperties() — Set the object properties based on a named array/hash.