Google Adsense data class for the Joomla Platform.
class JGoogleDataAdsense
extends JGoogleData
- // methods
- public void __construct()
- public mixed getAccount()
- public mixed listAccounts()
- public mixed listClients()
- public mixed getUnit()
- public mixed listUnitChannels()
- public mixed getChannel()
- public mixed listChannels()
- public mixed listChannelUnits()
- public mixed listUrlChannels()
- public mixed generateReport()
- // Inherited methods from JGoogleData
- public void __construct()
- public boolean authenticate()
- public boolean isAuthenticated()
- protected static SimpleXMLElement safeXML()
- protected mixed listGetData()
- protected mixed query()
- public mixed getOption()
- public JGoogleData setOption()
- $auth — JGoogleAuth
- $options — JRegistry
- __construct() — Constructor.
- generateReport() — Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Channel URLs
- getAccount() — Method to get an Adsense account's settings from Google
- getChannel() — Method to get an Adsense Channel
- getUnit() — Method to get an AdSense AdUnit
- listAccounts() — Method to retrieve a list of AdSense accounts from Google
- listChannelUnits() — Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Adunits for a specific Custom Channel
- listChannels() — Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Custom Channels
- listClients() — Method to retrieve a list of AdSense clients from Google
- listUnitChannels() — Method to retrieve a list of AdSense Custom Channels for a specific Adunit
- listUrlChannels() — Method to generate a report from Google AdSense
Inherited from JGoogleData
- listGetData() — Method to retrieve a list of data
- query() — Method to retrieve data from Google
- safeXML() — Method to validate XML
- authenticate() — Method to authenticate to Google
- getOption() — Get an option from the JGoogleData instance.
- isAuthenticated() — Check authentication
- setOption() — Set an option for the JGoogleData instance.