
Renders the submenu (link bar) for a category view when it is used in a extension

Note: this function has to be called from the addSubmenu function in the ExtensionNameHelper class located in administrator/components/com_ExtensionName/helpers/Extensionname.php Example Code: class ExtensionNameHelper { public static function addSubmenu($vName) { // Load FOF include_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/fof/include.php'; if (!defined('FOF_INCLUDED')) { JError::raiseError('500', 'FOF is not installed'); } if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) { $strapper = new FOFRenderJoomla3; } else { $strapper = new FOFRenderJoomla; } $strapper->renderCategoryLinkbar('com_babioonevent'); } }