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Item Ordering

10 år 6 måneder siden #88 af Alex Connor
Item Ordering blev oprettet af Alex Connor

Does anybody know how I can enable a site owner to rearrange the order of their items in their custom component? The only way I can do this right now is for the client to contact me, and I edit the IDs in the table. Any help would be appreciated!

Many thanks

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10 år 6 måneder siden #94 af Søren Beck Jensen
Besvaret af Søren Beck Jensen på emne Item Ordering
Any table that is generated by the Joomla Component Creator will have a row called ordering that will allow you to do this sorting. The trick is that you need to sort the list by ordering before you can see the sorting options. So imply click on the "ordering" header of you list to sort the list by ordering. You can then drag and drop the list order.

Hope this helps!

Søren Beck Jensen
Founder, Component-Creator.com

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10 år 6 måneder siden #107 af Alex Connor
Besvaret af Alex Connor på emne Item Ordering
Hi Soren,
Thanks for your reply and advice!

However, I am already aware of how to arrange component items in the backend of the site, including the drag and drop method. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to have any affect of the front end - the items remain unchanged!

Any further advice on what I might be missing would be very much appreciated.



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10 år 6 måneder siden #108 af Søren Beck Jensen
Besvaret af Søren Beck Jensen på emne Item Ordering
You will need to change the front end model to load by ordering by editing the model file.

I will try to investigate if this should not be the default behavior, it sounds to me like it should.

Søren Beck Jensen
Founder, Component-Creator.com

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10 år 6 måneder siden #109 af Søren Beck Jensen
Besvaret af Søren Beck Jensen på emne Item Ordering
Alex, we had a look and we more or less considered this a bug, so we have already implemented a fix. We don't like bugs ;-)

So simply re-build and re-install your component, re-order the list from the admin and the changes will appear in the front end.

Have a great day and thanks for reporting the issue.

Søren Beck Jensen
Founder, Component-Creator.com

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9 år 11 måneder siden #568 af Alex Connor
Besvaret af Alex Connor på emne Item Ordering
Hi Soren,

I found this post after all this time as I am again no longer able to arrange the order of my table's records using the previously mentioned drag and drop method.

I have created a new component. At first, when installing, my new page was completely blank. I turned on developer mode in global config, and saw this error:

Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in  "path"/components/com_sails/models/saddiamemebrs.php on line 142

  if (!empty($app->input->get('filter_order')))
            $list             = $app->getUserState($this->context . '.list');
            $list['ordering'] = $app->input->get('filter_order');
            $app->setUserState($this->context . '.list', $list);

        if (!empty($app->input->get('filter_order_Dir')))
            $list              = $app->getUserState($this->context . '.list');
            $list['direction'] = $app->input->get('filter_order_Dir');
            $app->setUserState($this->context . '.list', $list);

I'm not great with php, but after a bit of trial and error I found that I could change this to:

if (trim($app->input->get('filter_order')) == false)
            $list                = $app->getUserState($this->context . '.list');
            $list['ordering'] = $app->input->get('filter_order');
            $app->setUserState($this->context . '.list', $list);

        if (trim($app->input->get('filter_order_Dir')) == false)
            $list              = $app->getUserState($this->context . '.list');
            $list['direction'] = $app->input->get('filter_order_Dir');
            $app->setUserState($this->context . '.list', $list);

and the page would display correctly. I should mention that I don't have a full understanding of this change.

However, as mentioned I am once again no longer to rearrange the records using drag and drop.

I don't know what to do from here - could you please help me find a solution to this?

Joomla version 3.3.6
PHP version 5.3.28

Hope you can help!

Many thanks

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