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backend component with link table?

8 năm 10 tháng trước - 8 năm 10 tháng trước #1230 bởi Michi
backend component with link table? was created by Michi
I'm extending Joomla 3.x with a custom component.

At this point, my model has
1. workers: Peter (id: 1), Paul (id: 2), Mary (id: 3)
2. roles: manager(id: 1), teacher (id: 2), advisor (id: 3)
3. links: link roles to a worker

Now, a worker - say Mary - can have one or multiple roles. With every role comes an individual date when Mary received that role: Mary is teacher since 03/01/2016 and advisor since 02/15/2015.

My links-table:
links.id: 1, worker.id: 3, role.id: 2, date: 2016-03-01
links.id: 2, worker.id: 3, role.id: 3, date: 2015-02-15

In the Joomla backend, I have a worker and a role view.

In the worker-view, I'd like to go to Mary, add a new role (a new entry in table links) and delete an existing one (delete entry from table links) **from her view**.

I've never seen this.

What field-type do I use?
Can I do this with Component Creator?
Has anyone done this and can provide a tutorial, directions or a component to learn from?

Thank you in advance!
Last edit: 8 năm 10 tháng trước by Michi. Lý do: spelling

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