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show depending on another field - Komma seperated ist not working

4 anos 5 meses atrás #9789 por Patrick Jungbluth

Komma seperated is not working in "show depending on another field".


Best regards

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4 anos 5 meses atrás #9790 por Carl Fuentes
Thank you for your report,
Which field are you using that cause the error?

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4 anos 5 meses atrás - 4 anos 5 meses atrás #9791 por Patrick Jungbluth
Respondido por Patrick Jungbluth no tópico show depending on another field - Komma seperated ist not working
Good Morning Carl,

sorry for the bad explanation.

The error doesn't depend on the field type.

If you use comma sperated values (First Screenshot), the output in the single view produces a syntax error (Second Screenshot).

Just noticed. Bug reports should go to github.
So, i am writing a bug report.

Ultima edição: 4 anos 5 meses atrás por Patrick Jungbluth.

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