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Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getInstance() could not load file

4 años 3 meses antes - 4 años 3 meses antes #9681 por Christian Grieger
After installing the created component I get this error when I try to open it. How can i solve it?
Última Edición: 4 años 3 meses antes por Christian Grieger.

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4 años 3 meses antes #9682 por Simon Beekman
Respuesta de Simon Beekman sobre el tema Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getInstance() could not load file
Are you running latest Joomla? Are you installing on a fresh installation? What exactly are you installing? For our community to help out we need as much information as possible.

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4 años 3 meses antes - 4 años 3 meses antes #9683 por Christian Grieger
Respuesta de Christian Grieger sobre el tema Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getInstance() could not load file
Hey Simon,

this happens when you add a calender to the form. See image attached...

Without a calender in the form it works well..

Yes, i am using the lastest Joomla.
Última Edición: 4 años 3 meses antes por Christian Grieger.

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4 años 3 meses antes #9684 por Christian Grieger
Respuesta de Christian Grieger sobre el tema Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getInstance() could not load file
I was wrong it even happens when i add a text field next to the standard fields. So it happens always when i try to create a new component. The old components work well if i try to install them on that system.

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4 años 3 meses antes #9685 por Simon Beekman
Respuesta de Simon Beekman sobre el tema Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getInstance() could not load file
Just did a quick test with a component with a date picker field and I do not get this error.

Please check your configuration or try to install the component on a fresh installation.

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4 años 3 meses antes - 4 años 3 meses antes #9686 por Christian Grieger
Respuesta de Christian Grieger sobre el tema Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getInstance() could not load file
Hey Simon, thanks for the test. I cant insall this on fresh installation as i need it on the running system.

I installed an old component i created some weeks back on that page and its working without problems. It only happens for components that i creat fresh :/
Última Edición: 4 años 3 meses antes por Christian Grieger.

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Gracias a Foro Kunena

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