Featured User: Thorsten Waldorf

Let's bring some old habits back alive! In the past, we used to publish an interview with one of Component Creator's users each month in which we sit down and talk to one of our users and feature their story on our blog. This month we talked with Thorsten Waldorf, Co-founder and developer at Unliminet GmbH based in Mittelstetten, Germany.
What does your company do?
My company creates professional websites and database applications. We often use CMS systems like Joomla or shop systems like OXID. In addition, we also program websites completly manually with HTML5, CSS3 and modern JavaScript frameworks.
Where is your company located?
My company is located in Germany, very close to Munich, but we have not only local customers, but all over Germany and the neighbouring countries.
What is your role within the company?
I am the owner and managing director of my company, but I also enjoy programming for myself when time permits. Programming is my great passion. This is what the company was born from.
How long have you been using Component Creator?
A few months ago, for the first time, a customer needed a module that was not available on the market with his special requirements. We were faced with the problem of either outsourcing the work or building up the know-how ourselves and creating the module ourselves. In this process we found Component Creator and realized that all requirements could be implemented with it.
Roughly how many components have you built using Component Creator?
So far we have successfully implemented three components with Component Creator.
How much time do you estimate Component Creator has saved you?
It's hard to say. Apart from the about 2 days of training to fully understand the tool, I would estimate that we saved 2-3 days per component thanks to Component Creator.
Can you give an example of a component that was built using Component Creator?
We have created a job component with which our customer can independently enter open positions on his website. It was important for the customer to be able to maintain his locations and also the function of the jobs to be assigned independently and also to be able to select from a drop-down menu when creating the open positions. The presentation on the website also required 4 different views. All this was implemented in a very short time with Component Creator.
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve Component Creator?
Yes, we had hoped that there would be a larger community where people could exchange ideas and solve problems together. But it seems that the forum is orphaned. In my opinion this would be a big advantage for the Component Creator.
What do you like best about Component Creator?
We liked the video tutorials best. They showed everything you need to know to get started with Component Creator in a simple and time-saving way, using practical examples.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the Component Creator community?
Yes, please use the community functions more! Share useful components so that others can learn how it was done. Use the forum more often. Help other users if they have questions. With a well-functioning community, Component Creator would be twice as good!