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Change field post value after submit

4 Jahre 5 Monate her #9745 von Nina
Change field post value after submit wurde erstellt von Nina
If I had a field called name and I wanted to ensure that the value always had uppercase on first letter of each word (ucwords) where can I change the post field value before it's saved? I want this both in frontend and backend form but after hours of Googling I still don't know where to start. Do I create a plugin, a function?

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4 Jahre 5 Monate her #9746 von Søren Beck Jensen
Søren Beck Jensen antwortete auf Change field post value after submit
You would need to do this in the controller.

You will most likely have method called ``store() that has a variable called $data you would need to run the ucwords($data->field_name) before the data is saved.

If you paste the method from your controller I can show you in detail.

Søren Beck Jensen
Founder, Component-Creator.com

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4 Jahre 5 Monate her #9747 von Nina
In backend I can'f find any method store(). Does that mean that my component are using the joomla method by default (excuse me if I'm not using the correct terms). However after googling some more I found protected function prepareTable($table) in my form model and tried this:
protected function prepareTable($table)

		if (empty($table->id))
			// Set ordering to the last item if not set
			if (@$table->ordering === '')
				$db = Factory::getDbo();
				$db->setQuery('SELECT MAX(ordering) FROM #__ginv_gravvard');
				$max             = $db->loadResult();
				$table->ordering = $max + 1;
		// Always capital on first letter
 		$form = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('jform', array(), 'array');
    	$inventerare = $form['inventerare'];
		if (isset($inventerare)) {
        $table->inventerare = ucwords($table->inventerare);
It seems to be working but I'm not sure if it's the correct way of doing this and I also have subform repeatable values I wish to alter and I'm not sure how to get those.

In frontend I didn't find a store() method either, only public function save($key = NULL, $urlVar = NULL) which seems to handle the storing part?

I'm grateful for your time and I'm having so much fun using the component creator and learning how to do things properly!

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3 Jahre 8 Monate her #9838 von Emmanuel Tsalampounis
Emmanuel Tsalampounis antwortete auf Change field post value after submit
Hello Nina,
If you are a premium member please open a support request here:

with your component name and your development environment to help you on that

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